Projects per year
Search results
"Rat Race" or "Lie Flat"? How competition stress affects compensatory consumption
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Governmental Research Project
"The Intersection of Drone Documentation and Performance Art within the Urban and Landscape Ecologies"
1/07/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Internal Research Project
1200 V high-voltage nitride power electronic materials and devices for industrial motors and wireless charging applications, and their industrialization
1/10/24 → 30/09/27
Project: Governmental Research Project
A bioinspired enhanced SERS nanocellulose biosensor
Song, P., Chen, M., Lim, E. G. & Wang, J.
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: Governmental Research Project
Academic Writing Challenges Facing Postgraduate Students Transitioning to EMI Universities: A Teachers’ Epistemic Agency Perspective
27/09/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Internal Research Project
A commodity recommendation model based on sentiment analysis of user-generated content
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
A comparative study of predatory bacteria and protists in soil microbial food webs
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
A comparative study of the linguistic repertories and translanguaging practices of Chinese students in China and the UK
1/07/24 → 30/06/26
Project: Internal Research Project
Acquirer mid-level management human capital and M&A
1/07/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Internal Research Project
A cross-sectional study of source-based academic writing practices in the multilingual and multimodal era
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Internal Research Project
Activating Heritage for Soft Power: Heritage, communication and image building
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
Active Learning for Image Semantic Segmentation under Label Constrain
Xiao, J., Yu, S., Wang, X., Zhao, X., Wang, X., Wang, J. & Qiu, X.
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Governmental Research Project
Adaptive Aging Mechanisms and Optimization Strategies of Rural Public Living Spaces in Highly Urbanized Areas
Chang, Y., 叶露, 王洪羿, 胡旭明, 康灯平, 余飞, 朱梅 & 费莹
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Project: Governmental Research Project
A Data-Driven Approach to Intelligent Decision Making and Control for Customized Precision Manufacturing Processes
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Project: Governmental Research Project
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
Advanced Distributed Control and Stability Analysis for Cyber-Physical Microgrid System
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
Advance HE Global Impact Grant 2023-2024
Purwanto, E., Li, N., Zhang, Q., Selig, T., Fan, P., Ma, T., Juwono, F. & Wang, Y.
16/04/24 → 30/04/25
Project: Other
Advancing GaN CMOS Technology: Optimizing Device Performance and Design Efficiency through AI-Integrated TCAD Modeling
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Internal Research Project
Advancing to a Brain-Controlled Metaverse: Preliminary Understanding of User Perception in Interaction through Brain Activity
1/09/24 → 31/08/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Advertising creativity across Asia: Antecedents and implications from practitioner, client, and consumer perspectives
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Affective reflections on the urban transformation in Chinese cities: Changing ordinary affects in everyday places
Han, J. & Wang, H.
1/07/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Internal Research Project
AI and Learner Emotion
Craig, P., Purwanto, E., Liu, Y., Ng, R. & Polidoro, F.
1/04/24 → 1/04/25
Project: Internal Research Project
AI as Research Mentor: Redefining Research-Led Learning in Higher Education
Li, J., Zhu, Z., Dou, Y. & Tang, M.
1/09/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Internal Research Project
AI-Enabled Innovative Design Platform for Customizing Home Appliances
Wu, F., Sun, Q., Wang, Q. & Lim, E. G.
1/02/24 → 31/01/27
Project: Governmental Research Project
AI-Enhanced Computational Optimization for Early-stage Performance-based Architectural Design
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
CoESE: AIGC, XR and Embodiment: A trans-cohort, trans-campus and trans-disciplinary syntegrative methodology via worldbuilding
Lau, K., Chen, Z., Qian, Q. & Xun, J.
1/12/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Internal Research Project
AI perceptions and usage patterns in undergraduates
Fendos, J., Li, Y. & Ahmed, R.
11/06/24 → 30/12/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Algorithmic HRM: A comparative study of the experiences of low skilled versus high skilled platform workers
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
Algorithm Robustness Analysis for Audio Processing Algorithms based on Deep Learning
1/07/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Internal Research Project
A Multimodal Large Model Framework for Industrial Defect Detection
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Project: Governmental Research Project
Analysis on Some Stochastic Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces with Applications in Fluid Dynamics and Finance
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Internal Research Project
An analytical and numerical investigation on a suspension flow with a Plykin attractor
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
An Assessment of the Occupational Stress Experienced by Female Teachers in Kenya and Nepal
Luvanda, A. & Shrestha, B.
31/08/24 → 31/07/25
Project: Collaborative Research Project
SIG: An Ecosystemic Approach To Transforming Higher Education: Theory and Practice of XJTLU 3.0 Education Model
Li, Y., Chen, J., London, T. & Wang, L.
2/01/24 → …
Project: Collaborative Research Project
File -
SIG: An Ecosystemic Approach To Transforming Higher Education: Theory and Practice of XJTLU 3.0 Education Model
Li, Y., Chen, J., Wang, L. & London, T.
1/01/24 → …
Project: Internal Research Project
An Exploration of the Ideal Worker Belief and the Gig-work Economy
1/01/25 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
An exploratory study of using an artificial intelligence speech evaluation system for English speaking practice
Zou, B., Wei, R., Sun, Q., Huang, L., Zhao, K., Zhang, J. & Yang, G.
1/09/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Internal Research Project
An exploratory study using data science methods to predict households’ risk tolerance and financial behaviours
1/07/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Internal Research Project
An investigation into a novel gene therapy strategy using extracellular vesicles to encapsulate adeno-associated viruses, aimed at overcoming interference from pre-existing neutralizing antibodies
Wu, Q., Lu, T., Zhan, T., Wang, H., Lin, Q., Chen, Y., Jiang, T., Sheng, X., Peng, Y., Ma, M. & Kong, J.
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Governmental Research Project
An investigation into the implicit-explicit attitudes of Y1 EAP students towards the English language
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
An investigation into the mechanism of cardiac repair using a combination of extracellular vesicles from stem cells and their derived cells
Wu, Q., Xu, M., Zhan, T., Wang, H., Ma, M. & Kong, J.
1/07/24 → 1/07/26
Project: Governmental Research Project
Ann Radcliffe’s The Romance of the Forest (1791): A Scholarly Edition
1/07/20 → 31/08/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Application of advanced porous carbon-based materials in lithium ion capacitors and its key technologies
Yang, L., Liu, C., Geng, X., Ren, J., You, D., Sun, Y., Wang, Y., Gao, M., Chen, Q. & Zhang, K.
1/11/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Governmental Research Project