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Personal profile
Dr Jionglong Su is the director of Education and R&D Institute, School of AI and Advanced Computing. He holds a PhD in Statistics (Warwick) and a PhD in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (Sheffield). Before joining XJTLU, he worked for Warwick University, University College London and Nazarbayev University where he was the Maths Head. Dr Jionglong Su has held several key appointments in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, such as the Group Head in Undergraduate Studies and the Programme Director in Financial Mathematics. He was previously the Programme Director in Data Science and Big Data Technology in the Scvhool of AI and Advanced Computing. His research interests include bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, portfolio management and medical image processing. He is the principal investigator and research collaborator in several interdisciplinary research funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China and State Key Laboratory of Software Architecture, with more than 4.5 million RMB in grant. Dr Jionglong Su actively participates in the university iLead teaching programmes as an instructor for Chinese universities teachers. He was the recipient of the 2017 XJTLU Outstanding Teacher Award. He received the Excellent Advisor Award in the 4th XJTLU Research-Led Learning Competition. Students supervised by him won the following award: -1) 2019 MCM/ICM Mathematical Competition Outstanding Award; 2020 MCM/ICM Mathematical Competition Finalist Award ( Best Oral Paper Award (Application of deep q-network in portfolio management, ICBDA 2020, Yuan Gao et al.) 3) Best Oral Paper Award (A deep residual shrinkage neural network-based deep reinforcement learning strategy in financial portfolio management, ICBDA 2021, Ruoyu Sun et al.) 4) World 2nd place in 2021 GAMMA Challenge (8th Ophthalmology Medical Image Analysis Seminar, Sifan Song et al.) Best Paper in Application Research (An efficient deep learning framework of COVID-19 CT scans using contrastive learning and ensemble strategy, PIC 2021 conference, Shenghan Zhang et al.) 6) Finalist Award (Bilateral-ViT for Robust Fovea Localization, ISBI 2022 conference, Sifan Song et al.)7) Finalist Award (An Inception Network with Bottleneck Attention Module for Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework in Financial Portfolio Management, ICBDA 2022 conference, Weiye Yao et al.)8) Best Presentation Award (Improving Biomedical Claim Detection using Prompt Learning Approaches, PRML 2023 conference, Tong Chen et al.)
苏炯龙副教授是人工智能与先进计算学院副院长。他于2012年获得英国华威大学统计学博士学位,2013年获得英国谢菲尔德大学自动化控制与系统工程学博士学位。他于2001年获得英国谢菲尔德大学信息工程学硕士专业,并于2002年获得新加坡国立大学数学硕士专业。 苏炯龙博士作为国家自然科学基金与国家软件构建重点实验室几项跨学科科研项目主要研究员及助理研究员,获得经费达450多万元。他主持西交利物浦大学重点项目建设专项《宫颈癌精准细胞学筛查的智能信息平台建设》、软件架构国家重点实验室开放课题项目《基于卷曲神经网络的自动识别系统》,并参与中国国家自然基金《百草枯致肺损伤潜在治疗靶点:MUC5B的功能与机制研究》、《长链非编码RNA 2700086A05Rik参与肺纤维化疾病的分子机制研究》等课题项目。他也获得西交利物浦大学博士研究基金3项。 苏炯龙博士加入西交利物浦大学之前,曾工作于华威大学,并由伦敦大学学院派遣到哈萨克斯坦的纳扎尔巴耶夫大学担任数学中心系主任。他之前在西交利物浦大学数学系担任系副主任(本科教学)与金融数学专业负责人。他过去也是太仓数据科学与大数据技术专业负责人。在教学方面,苏炯龙博士教学认真负责,秉持积极探索和问题驱动的教学理念,积极学习并使用现代教学媒体丰富学生学习活动,激发学生学习兴趣,深受学生的喜爱及同事的认可。他担任过《概率论与统计学概论》,《统计学方法》,《统计分布定理》,《应用多元统计》,《高等数学》,《工程数学》,《神经网络概论》,《大数据概论》等课程的教学。同时,他在西交利物浦大学领导与教育前沿院积极兼任中国高等学校教师教学培训项目的教员,是2017年西交利物浦大学最佳教师奖获得者。 在科研方面,苏炯龙博士在《Nature Communications》,《Nucleic Acids Research》,《Bioinformatics》,《Bioinformatics》,《Neural Processing Letters》 等计算生物学、生物信息学及人工智能领域的国际期刊发表了多篇同行评议文章。做为《Concurrency and Computation: Practice Experience》、《IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging》等杂志匿名审稿人,苏炯龙博士积极主动参与各类科研会议并作会议报告,并担任《2022年 IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analysis (ICBDA)》会议技术项目委员会主席。 另外,学校定期进行教学模式改革介绍会,积极发展西交利物浦大学特色的在线学习课程,通过技术研发、教学材料编写和教师培训等途径推进教学模式创新并提升学生学习的活动性、合作性、反思性。做为数据科学与大数据技术专业负责人,苏炯龙博士主要任务包括:抓好常规教学,协助系主任研究专业发展,指导各专业教研室编制人才培养方案和核心课程标准,组织系内教学教研活动,协助系主任做好教学团队建设工作、辅导系内教师、提升其教学能力,指导各课程团队做好课程建设准备,负责教师评价考核工作,大力支持专业老师申请校内外的教学发展基金,提升学科教学质量与能力,打造优质专业声誉。 苏炯龙博士积极为全校本科生提供数学建模专题讲座《时间序列分析》和《应用概率统计》。他多次指导学生参加全国大学生数学建模竞赛并数次获得例如全国二等奖等奖项;指导的学生先后在2019和2020年荣获美国数学建模竞赛的特等奖和特等奖提名。此外,他指导的博士生团队获得2021年第8届眼科医学图像分析研讨会中GAMMA挑战赛世界第二名;并且多支本科生团队在Kaggle大数据竞赛中获得银牌。他指导的团队荣获2025年全国人工智能应用场景创新挑战赛智能视听专项赛(一等奖)、全国人工智能应用场景创新挑战赛(全国特等奖)、“集萃杯” 西浦全球创业梦想家大赛(特等奖)。
西交利物浦大学人工智能与先进计算学院在完善西浦专业精英培养模式基础上,开发新型融合式教育模式。学院独具特色的融合式教育方式,已经与科大讯飞、树根互联、寒武纪科技等17家企业达成校企合作。学院本科生参加各类建模比赛,荣获第十六届全国大学生智能汽车竞赛、美国大学生数学建模竞赛、菁英杯数学竞赛、全国大学生机器人比赛等十多个奖项。 做为学院的副院长,苏炯龙博士在人工智能和机器人产教领域,将专业教育、行业教育、管理教育相融合,培养引领未来行业发展的国际化行业精英。本次学院申报恰佩克奖遴选,最终获得全国高校机器人产教融合50强的优秀成绩,充分体现了学院在人工智能和机器人产业融合教学的突出贡献和取得的卓越成就。
媒体聚焦:- 学者新动力 | 苏炯龙教授:“AI+”赋能医学影像快速发展 西浦学子首次斩获美国大学生建模竞赛特等奖 算法助力眼科疾病诊断 西浦博士生获国际眼科影像赛事二等奖
Research interests
Portfolio Management
Artificial Intelligence
Director of ERDI, School of AI and Advanced Computing - XJTLU - 2020 to Present
School Programme Leader in BEng Data Science and Big Data Technology - XJTLU - 2019 to Present
Programme Director in BSc Financial Mathematics - XJTLU - 2017 to 2019
DTS101TC Introduction to Neural Networks
DTS002TC Essentials of Big Data
ENT001 Explore AI and Entrepreneurship
MTH008 Multivariable Calculus for Science and Engineering
MTH013 Calculus for Science and Engineering
MTH102 Engineering Mathematics II
MTH113TC Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MTH205 Introduction to Statistical Methods
MTH206 Statistical Distribution Theory
MTH316 Applied Multivariate Statistics
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
PhD in Statistics, University of Warwick
PhD in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield
Person Types
- Staff
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Open Access -
KD-MSLRT: Lightweight Sign Language Recognition Model Based on Mediapipe and 3D to 1D Knowledge Distillation
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Atrial Septal Defect Detection in Children Based on Ultrasound Video Using Multiple Instances Learning
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