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Bin Zou

Senior Associate Professor

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Personal profile

Dr. Bin Zou received his PhD degree in TESOL and Computer Technology from the University of Bristol and his MA degree from the University of York, UK. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, published by IGI Global, USA. This journal has been indexed by ESCI, Scopus, etc. Dr. Zou’s research interests include Applied Linguistics, ELT, EAP, CALL, mobile learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Corpus. He has given presentations at international conferences including AILA, IATEFL, BAAL, BALEAP, EUROCALL, WorldCALL, GloCALL, IALLT, etc. He was in Practitioner Plenary Panel at 2019 BALEAP Conference in Leeds, UK. He was the editor or co-editor of several books including Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: The Case of China (with Professors Hayo Reinders and David Nunan), published by Palgrave Macmillan, UK. He has published a number of papers in journals including SSCI and CSSCI journals as well as chapter books. He has also been involved in reviewing papers for SSCI Journals of Computer-assisted language learning, Computer-Assisted Learning, Language Learning and Technology, System and Language Learning Journal. One of his papers in AI published by Palgrave Macmillan, UK was selected in Research Highlights from China collection in 2020 by Springer and Macmillan Publishers.He was a senior tutor/associate professor at the English Language Centre and had taught EAP for more than 10 years. He has given keynote presentations at national EAP teacher training workshops in Beijing, Shanghai and Suzhou and symposiums in China and the UK. He has trained more than 1,000 EAP teachers since 2014. He has also been invited to give talks on EAP, CALL or AI at Nanjing University, Wuhan University, Sun Yat-sen University, Shandong University, Shanghai University of Finance Economics, Macau University and the University of Southampton, etc. He is currently teaching MA TESOL course and supervising MA and PhD students at the Department of Applied Linguistics. He was an external examiner for a PhD candidates viva at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is a fellow of UK Higher Education Academy, executive committee member of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning Association and a committee member of China ESP Association and China Education Technology for Foreign Language Association.

Research interests

EAP, CALL, ELT, AI, Corpus


Associate Professor, Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU

English Tutor D/Senior Tutor, English Language Centre, Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University - August 2008 to August 2019


MA TESOL programme: LNG401:Linguistics to Language Teachers; LNG402: Language Testing and Assessment; LNG403:Methods for ELT; LNG410: ESP

EAP for Business, Sicence, Architechture, Computer Science, EEE, Industry Design

Awards and honours

09/2023: 2022-2023 Suzhou Excellent Teacher (苏州市优秀教师), Suzhou Department of Education

4/2023: 2022-2023 School All-Round Academic Excellence Award, School of Humanity and Social Science (HSS), XJTLU

12/2022: Third prize of the 16th Suzhou Outstanding Achievement Award of Philosophical and Social Sciences 苏州市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖

12/2021: Innovative Works prize in 2021 “Linghang Cup”Jiangsu Multimedia Educational Software Competition

Nov 2021: XJTLU Honoured Contributors of AY2020/21

获2021年中央电化教育馆《中国电化教育》杂志社“人工智能+教育”论文征集活动创新论文奖Innovation Award of 2021 Artificial intelligence + Education academic paper competition of China Education Technology Journal, China National Education Technology Institute

获2021年度中国英汉语比较研究会专门用途英语专业委员会年会优秀论文评选一等奖First award at the 2021 China ESP Association Annual paper competition

*Zou, B, Liviero, S. Hao, M. Wei, C. (2020) Artificial Intelligence Technology for EAP Speaking Skills: Student Perceptions of Opportunities and Challenges. In M. Freiermuth N.Zarrinabadi (eds), Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users. (pp. 433-463). London: Palgrave Macmillan (This chapter has been selected in the Research Highlights from China collection, from across BMC, Nature Portfolio, Palgrave Macmillan and Springer which highlights the recent influential publications by Chinese researchers in 2020).

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, University of Bristol, UK

MA , University of York, UK

Person Types

  • Staff


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