Projects per year
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SURF 2018: Development of Fast-Switching Circuits Driving LEDs of High Current Loading for Li-Fi Applications
11/06/18 → 31/08/18
Project: Internal Research Project
SURF 2016: Development of Electronic Gaseous Formaldehyde Detection & Monitoring Systems
13/06/16 → 31/08/16
Project: Internal Research Project
Development of custom digital tools to facilitate in-class collaborative active learning
Fendos, J. & Lee, J.
22/01/18 → 31/12/25
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Development of computational methods for the design of novel therapeutic antibodies
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
Development of Complex Outdoor Environment Perception Systems
27/07/24 → 27/07/27
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Development of cloud-based intelligent control technology for flexible manufacturing of high-end equipment
Wang, J., Lim, E. G., Wang, Q., Pan, Y. & Wang, X.
5/02/24 → 4/02/28
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Development of bioinformatics methods for MeRIP-Seq analysis
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Development of architectural engineering English course at Pyongyang University of Architecture
18/08/15 → 3/03/17
Project: Other
Development of a Novel Brain Stimulation Technology Based on Noninvasively-Delivered Nanoparticles for Parkinson's Disease Treatment
Ruan, G. & Leng, J.
1/09/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Development of an Intelligent Planning Tool for Refractive Surgeries
1/01/16 → 31/05/19
Project: Internal Research Project
Development of A Hybrid Micro-Dispensing System for Tissue-Engineered Meniscal Scaffold Fabrication
1/02/16 → 31/07/18
Project: Internal Research Project
Development of a corpus analysis method for analyzing large primary literature databases
Fendos, J., Zhou, J. & Scott, P.
11/04/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Development and spillover of newcomers’ extra-role behaviors
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Development and Evaluation of Micro-credentials of TVET in Global Contexts
1/11/22 → 27/10/23
Project: Governmental Research Project
Development and Evaluation of Fault Diagnosis and Accommodation for Internal ComIBSStion Engines
Zhai, Y.
1/12/12 → 31/12/13
Project: Internal Research Project
NSFC: Development and evaluation of biomaker in tumor immunotherapy under treatment with all-trans retinoic acid liposome
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Governmental Research Project
Development and Application of Innovative Distributed Fibre Optic Monitoring System in Infrastructure
Seo, H.
1/04/17 → 31/03/20
Project: Internal Research Project
Development and application of AI in English Oral Textbook 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(230902427273420)
1/04/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Governmental Research Project
Developmental trajectory profiles of smartphone use among undergraduate students at XJTLU
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing visible-light photoredox dual catalysis system and its application in organic synthesis
1/07/18 → 31/03/22
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing sustainable reading skills with a Reading Game in an English learning environment
1/01/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing Localised Graded Reading Materials for XJTLU Low-level Chinese Language Learners
1/08/21 → 31/07/23
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing Living Lab-based solutions for the complex disaster of the Jakarta_Semarang coastal city belt in the era of climate crisis
Lee, J. H. & Kim, T.
1/01/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Other
Developing biocomposite ink for fabricating bioscaffolds with surface nanotopography
1/08/23 → 31/07/25
Project: Governmental Research Project
Developing a software tool for epitranscriptome analysis from MeRIP-seq data
1/09/19 → 31/07/21
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing a protein/pocket structure-aware deep learning approach for virtual screening and de novo drug design
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing a Parametric Optimization Model for Integrated Photovoltaic Green Roof and Fog Catcher Assemblies at Scales of the Module and Spatial Array Field
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing an energy building stock model for Jiangsu Province
1/09/17 → 31/08/20
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing an AR based E-learning platform for Business Chinese acquisition and Business Culture immersion
Wang, H., Zhou, S., Zhang, Y., Liu, X. & Du, K.
20/05/23 → 31/08/23
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing an AR based E-learning platform for Advanced-level Chinese acquisition and Culture immersion
Wang, H., Zhou, S. & Simmons, K.
20/05/22 → 31/08/22
Project: Internal Research Project
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Developing a Learner-Oriented Multilingual Termbase for Tranditional Chinese Medecine: A Cross-Cultural Approach to TCM Terminology Description
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing a Framework of Interdisciplinary Teaching Competencies for Secondary School Teachers
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing a Customized Cookie Design and Printing Platform
1/01/17 → 31/03/21
Project: Internal Research Project
TDF: Developing a Corpus of Business Languages in Modern Langguages Centre (CLT, JPL, SPA) Phase 1
Takewa, M., Yang, F. & Jeaco, S.
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing a Comprehensive Simulation-based Education Platform for Robotics-related Modules
1/09/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Developing? Plant Protein Based Fibrous scaffolds for Anticancer Drug Development?????
Sun, J., 黄德建, 倪潤严, Chiu, S. K., Gray, D. & 敬霖志
1/07/18 → 30/06/21
Project: Internal Research Project
Develop ESG framework for entrepreneurial start-ups
1/07/22 → 1/07/25
Project: Governmental Research Project
Develop and explore the effectiveness of an E-tandem programme with VR in foreign language learning at XJTLU
Yuan, X., Xu, R., Jiang, G. & Yang, F.
1/09/22 → 31/08/24
Project: Internal Research Project
Determining Effective Methods of Teaching in Higher Education
Douroudis, K.
1/03/23 → 15/01/25
Project: Internal Research Project
Detect Positioning Error in Wireless Networks
Liu, D., Liang, H. N., Wang, W., Dong, Y. & Afolabi, D.
1/07/14 → 30/06/17
Project: Governmental Research Project
Detection of tuberculosis-specific antibodies in patient sera by using glycan gold nanoparticles
Tefsen, B.
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Governmental Research Project
DES Teaching Innovation Fund: Robotics Wearable Products
Appleby, R.
1/03/24 → 30/12/24
Project: Collaborative Research Project
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Design research on optimizing the outdoor wind environment for high-rise residential buildings based on multi-objective assessment methods
1/01/19 → 31/12/22
Project: Governmental Research Project
Design of self-assembly peptides by Human-in-the-Loop
Wang, J., Lu, T., Sun, Y., Zhu, Z., Chen, X., Meng, Y., Tang, J., Feng, Z., Yan, M., Liu, S. & Zhu, Z.
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Governmental Research Project
Design of GaN-based Power Electronic Integrated Circuit
Wen, H., Liu, W., Xue, F., 赵策洲, 林永义, 卢少锋, 张金玲, 翟禹嘉, 石昊晨, 楚冠英 & 卜庆雷
1/01/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Internal Research Project