Na Li

Associate Professor

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Personal profile

Are you ready for the digital future? Hello, I’m Na (Lina) Li, Associate Professor, Director of the MSc Digital Education Programme in the Department of Educational Studies, and Co-director of the Research Centre for AI and Education within the Academy of Future Education (AoFE) at XJTLU. I'm a Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA), Associate Editor for the European Journal of Education (EJED) and Editorial Board Member of the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), both of which are SSCI-indexed (Q1) journals. A leading guest editor for BJET’s 2024-2025 special issue on AI and learner emotion. Guest editor for Developing Academic Practice (DAP)’s 2024-2025 special issue on AI in learning and teaching. I hold a PhD in Education, jointly supervised by XJTLU and the School of Psychology at the University of Liverpool. I'm honoured to be the first PhD graduate and winner of the Awards for Thesis Writing and Academic Performance at AoFE. My vision of research is to build a sustainable HeXie digital learning ecology for quality and agile education. I’m passionate about interdisciplinary research and educational innovations with technology, including Virtual Learning environments (VLE/LMS), Artificial Intelligence In Education (AIED), and Digital Game-based Learning (DGBL). Since 2006, I have been deeply engaged in the practice of the information technology industry, digital education teaching and research, and has published many high-quality publications. For more details, please check:


李娜博士是西交利物浦大学未来教育学院教育研究系副教授,数字化教育专业主任,人工智能与教育研究中心联席主任,英国国际高等教育资深会士(SFHEA),SSCI一区欧洲教育期刊(European Journal of Education)副主编,英国教育技术期刊(British Journal of Educational Technology)编委、AI与学习者情绪专刊主编,英国发展学术实践期刊(Developing Academic Practice) AI教与学专刊主编。李娜博士是西交利物浦大学未来教育学院首位博士毕业生,获西浦未来教育学院优秀博士论文奖和优秀博士生奖,是西交利物浦大学和英国利物浦大学心理学院联合培养的教育学博士。主要研究方向包括虚拟学习环境(VLE/LMS),人工智能赋能教育(AIED)和数字游戏化教学(DGBL)。自2006年以来深耕信息技术行业实践、数字化教育教学和研究,持续在国内外核心期刊、出版社、会议发表高质量论文和出版物,更多详情请见科研简历:

Research interests

AI and Education:

Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL):


Co-Director of the Research Centre for AI and Education, Academy of Future Education, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University - Dec, 2023 - present

Associate Professor, Director of MSc Digital Education Programme, Module Leader of EDS431,433, Department of Educational Studies (EDS), Academy of Future Education, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University - June, 2023 - present

Associate Professor, Deputy Director of MSc Digital Education Programme, Module Leader of EDS431,433, Department of Educational Studies (EDS), Academy of Future Education, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University - March -May, 2023

Associate Professor, Module Leader of EDS431,433, Department of Educational Studies (EDS), Academy of Future Education, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University - 2022 to 2023

Assistant Professor of Practice, Educational Developer, Module Leader, and TEL Team Leader at Educational Development Unit (EDU), Academy of Future Education, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University - 2021 to 2022

Senior Educational Technologist, CET, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University - 2019 to 2021

Educational Technologist, EDU, ILEAD, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University- 2015 to 2019

Team Leader of Application Team, MITS, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University -2012 to 2015

Department Manager and Project Manager, Digital China Information Service Company LTD.- 2008 to 2012

Senior System Designer, Assistant of Research Centre Director, BenQ Co., LTD- 2006 to 2008


XPU001 Essentials of AI

EDS 431 Designing Digital Education Curriculum

EDS 433 Designing and Practicing Digital Education

EDS 436 Syntegrative Learning (Academic Supervisor)

EDS 437 Research Project (Dissertation Supervisor)

PG and PhD student supervisory

How does AI-enabled instructional design improve student engagement in the classroom? AI赋能的教学设计如何提高学生课堂参与度?ILEAD teacher training programme

Research-led Fishbone Digital Learning Design (FDLD) 研究导向的鱼骨数字学习设计法, ILEAD research-led teaching training programme

Guest lecturer at Teacher Development Center of Suzhou Industrial Park Education Department 苏州工业园区教育局教发中心讲座:5G+智慧教育

ILEAD teacher training programmes

Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education, Module leader for PGC404

Guest lecturer at the University of the Free State

Guest lecturer for EDS402-Entrepreneurship, Educational Innovation, and International Education

Guest lecturer for GCR001-Global Citizenship and Research-led Learning: Sustainable Development

Module admin and guest lecturer for 2020 online course: Developing Global Citizenship: Reflection and response to the epidemic caused by novel coronavirus

PGR Tutoring at University of Liverpool

Internship Supervisor for EDS406 Educational Internship

Academic advisor for EDS MA students

EDU CPD Programme

ILEAD External Teaching and Learning Programmes

XJTLU Educational Technologies Workshops

PG CPS Programme

EDS 431 Designing Digital Education Curriculum

EDS 432 Education in a Digital Society

EDS 433 Designing and Practicing Digital Education

PGC 404 Using Technology to Enhance Learning and Teaching

EDU CPD Programme

Guest lecturer for EDS402-Entrepreneurship, Educational Innovation, and International Education

Guest lecturer for GCR001-Global Citizenship and Research-led Learning: Sustainable Development

Developing Global Citizenship: Reflection and response to the epidemic caused by novel coronavirus

Awards and honours

Outstanding Academic Papers in Natural Science for the Year 2022-2023 in Suzhou苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文

AY2021-2022 Winner of Awards of Thesis Writing and Academic Performance, Academy of Future Education, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University

2021年度“江苏省社科应用研究精品工程”优秀成果二等奖/2021 Jiangsu Province Social Science Application Research Excellent Project

2022 Researcher.Life Gold Ambassador

2021 Best Poster and Oral Presentation Award at Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University Postgraduate Research Symposium

2021 Senior Trainer at ILEAD, XJTLU

2020 Best Presentation at the 4th International Conference on Education and Distance Learning

2019 Best Staff Members in ILEAD

2018 Excellent exemplar of Certified Projects Data Analyst (CPDA)

2018 Excellent Oral presentation certificate in 2018 International Conference on Distance Education and Learning

2017 Fellowship of the Advance HE

2017 HEA-associated Certificate in Professional Studies (CPS) programme (Merit)

2010 Excellent Project Team in Digital China

2009 Excellent Project Manager in Digital China

2007 Excellent Staff Member in BenQ

Related documents

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Ph.D., School of Psychology, University of Liverpool; Academy of Future Education, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) / 英国利物浦大学,心理学院;西交利物浦大学,未来教育学院,博士

Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA) / 国际高等教育 资深会士

MSc, Project Management, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC, CAS) / 中国科学技术大学,硕士

BEng, Biomedical Engineering, Jiangsu University / 江苏大学,学士

Certified Projects Data Analyst (CPDA) / 工信部认证数据分析师

Certified Information Security Professional (CISP) / 工信部认证信息安全师

Qualification Certificate of Computer and Software Technology Proficiency / 工信部计算机中级工程师

International Project Manager Professional (IPMP) / 国际项目经理资格认证

ISO 20007 Internal Auditor / ISO 信息安全管理体系认证内审师

CMMI Internal Auditor / 软件成熟度认证内审师

Person Types

  • Staff


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