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Teng Ma

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Teng Ma is a Lecturer at the Department of Computing, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University.Dr.Teng holds a PhD in Information Systems and a Master of Science degree from University of Nottingham (UK), and a Bachelor of Science degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, HUST. His research interests focus on exploring the impact of technologies in information dissemination, social computing, and business analytics. He is especially interested in investigating issues related to how technologies could assist in individual improvement, facilitating equality, and realizing societal benefits.

Research interests

Platform Digitalization and Emerging Technologies

Business Analytics

Social Computing


Assistant Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 2022 - present

Software Engineer, Hangzhou Xiekeer Technology ltd. co., 2015 - 2016


CPT 111 Java Programming

CPT 208 Human-Centric Computing

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D. in Information Systems, University of Nottingham, 2022.

M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Nottingham, 2015.

B.Sc. in Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), 2014.

Person Types

  • Staff


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