Projects per year
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NSFC: Controllable preparation and performance study of spatially ordered hierarchical ZnO/CuO gas-sensitive materials
1/01/18 → 31/12/20
Project: Governmental Research Project
Biochemical and structural characterization of microbial enzymes
Ruiz Carrillo, D.
1/01/18 → 1/03/21
Project: Internal Research Project
Direct Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Interface Problems and Applications
Huang, H. & Zhang, H.
1/01/18 → 31/12/21
Project: Governmental Research Project
Studying gene regulation responses to coaggregation between oral bacteria using RNA-Seq and bioinformatics approaches
Choo, S. W.
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Governmental Research Project
The Impact of Adopting Big Data Technology on Supply Chain Resilience: Take Belt and Road Initiative into Consideration
1/01/18 → 31/01/21
Project: Internal Research Project
A study of document recognition based on the internet multi-modal contents
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Governmental Research Project
The impact of urbanization on the phenotypes and genetics of Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
Pagani Nunez, E., 邢晓莹, Safran, R., 华方圆, 吕磊, 潘新园, 张楠 & 湛霞
1/01/18 → 31/12/21
Project: Governmental Research Project
Research on Power Optimization Method for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems Based on Field-Support Vector Regression
Ma, J., 陈兆恩, 傅启明, 江浩川, 毕自强, 姜华 & 吕凡
1/01/18 → 31/12/20
Project: Governmental Research Project
Some Problems associated with two-parameter Fleming-Viot process
Zhou, Y., 王艳清 & 刘晔诚
1/01/18 → 31/12/20
Project: Governmental Research Project
VR Games for Second Language Acquisition
Liang, H. N.
1/01/18 → 31/08/20
Project: Internal Research Project
The abundance problem of algebraic threefolds in positive characteristics"
1/01/18 → 31/12/21
Project: Governmental Research Project
The symbiosis mechanism of network organizations: an action research
Xi, Y., Zhang, X., 唐方成, 张敬博, 徐钊 & 朱小燕
1/01/18 → 31/12/21
Project: Governmental Research Project
Design methods and tools to support the digital manufacturing process of personalised smart textile products
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Governmental Research Project
RDF: Designing interactions with smart clothing for personalised care for people with cardiovascular diseases
1/01/18 → 31/12/21
Project: Internal Research Project
Operationalizing Culture as a Variable in Cross-Cultural Management Modeling. An Application to Innovation Adoption within Cultural Groups.
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Governmental Research Project
Convergence Studies of Convolution Schwarz Waveform Relaxation Methods for Large Scale Delay Differential Equations,
Wu, S. L., Xu, Y. & Zhang, H.
1/01/18 → 31/12/21
Project: Governmental Research Project
Gaming Interfaces for the Ageing Population
Liang, H. N.
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Internal Research Project
Giving Voice to the Minoan People: The Decipherment of Linear A
1/01/18 → 31/08/21
Project: Internal Research Project
Some questions on actions of non-linear algebraic groups
1/01/18 → 31/12/20
Project: Governmental Research Project
Internationalization of Chinese family businesses
1/12/17 → 30/11/20
Project: Internal Research Project
Multi-agent Real-time Simulation System of Light Train Network Energy Sustainability Analysis
1/12/17 → 1/12/20
Project: Internal Research Project
Assessment of alterations in the expression pattern of Galectin-3 in atheroscelrotic patients
15/11/17 → 30/11/20
Project: Other
Peace Lab project, Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan
1/11/17 → 31/03/18
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Comparative analysis of chromium posioning in solid oxide fuel/ electrolysis cells (SOFC/SOEC) and development of new electrode materials with dual functionality
1/11/17 → 31/01/22
Project: Internal Research Project
Study on Integrated Energy Efficiency Optimization Model for Trains with On-board Energy Storage Devices
1/10/17 → 30/09/20
Project: Internal Research Project
Scene Recognition and Understanding Based on Deep Learning
Lu, W.
1/10/17 → 28/02/21
Project: Internal Research Project
A Void at the Centre: The Possibility of Courtyard Housing
1/10/17 → 31/03/23
Project: Internal Research Project
Distributed Intelligence for Big Smart City Data Processing
1/10/17 → 30/09/20
Project: Internal Research Project
Chinese Firms’ Internationalization and the Stage Theory of Internationalization
3/09/17 → 13/06/20
Project: Governmental Research Project
Developing an energy building stock model for Jiangsu Province
1/09/17 → 31/08/20
Project: Internal Research Project
The Reuse of Decommissioned Prisons in the Heritage Industry: Comparative Research in China and UK
1/09/17 → 31/10/23
Project: Internal Research Project
Improving Natural Scene Chinese Text Recognition by Integrating Contexts
Wang, Q., 黄开竹, 张舒飞 & 江浩川
1/09/17 → 31/08/19
Project: Governmental Research Project
Unravel the synergic regulation among different types of RNA modification
1/09/17 → 31/08/20
Project: Internal Research Project
Smart City Challenges: towards a holistic approach to the development of smart cities in China
1/09/17 → 31/08/24
Project: Internal Research Project
PV System Output Power smoothing control method based on very short-term forecasting
Du, Y., 韩冰 & 常家铭
1/09/17 → 31/08/19
Project: Governmental Research Project
Soft Power Cinemas: China’s Struggle for the Audience
Talmacs, N.
1/09/17 → 30/09/20
Project: Internal Research Project
Information Modelling and Real-time Monitoring System for Smart Construction
Zhang, C., Hao, J., Kim, K., Shaikh, R. & Pazhoohesh, M.
1/09/17 → 31/08/19
Project: Governmental Research Project
Multi-objects detection and recognition based on deep learning
1/09/17 → 31/08/19
Project: Governmental Research Project
Emerging New Asian Urban Residential Environments: Mass Housing and the City in Japan, South Korea and China (1980s-2010s)
1/08/17 → 31/01/22
Project: Internal Research Project
Study on Building up Innovation Ecosystem and Improving Innovation Intensity in Jiangsu Province
Cao, X., Qian, L., Zou, H. & Yan, Z.
4/07/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Governmental Research Project
A Case Study of A Multi-dimensional, Identity-driven L2 Pedagogical Model
Zhao, Y., Zhang, Q., Xu, R. & Zhang, W.
1/07/17 → 30/06/23
Project: Governmental Research Project
AI(Artificial-Intelligence)-oriented Trading, Risk Management and Fund Allocation (FoF) in China’s Futures/Options Markets.
Chen, Q., Jin, X., 洪毅, Goncu, A. & 朱洪海
1/07/17 → 30/06/20
Project: Internal Research Project
The effects of multiple stressors on stream ecosystem functioning, community structure and resource subsidy.
Zhang, Y., Lin, Q., 向洪勇, 张婷, 花莹, 吴志杰 & N, K.
1/07/17 → 30/06/20
Project: Governmental Research Project
Multiscale optimization design of metal matrix composite piezoelectric smart structures using shakedown theorem
Chen, M., 张顺琦, 王战玺 & 王翔
1/07/17 → 30/06/20
Project: Governmental Research Project