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Yi Zhang

Assistant Professor

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Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

I am an Assistant Professor at Department of Foundational Mathematics, Xian Jiaotong - Liverpool University. For more information, see my personal homepage:

Research interests

Computer Algebra

Algorithmic Combinatorics

Algebraic Theory of Differential and Difference Equations

Algebraic Statistics

Coding and Cryptography

Special Functions


Assistant Professor, Department of Foundational Mathematics, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China - 2020.02 to present

Research Associate, Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, USA - 2018.09 to 2020.01

Postdoc Researcher, RICAM, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, Austria - 2017.03 to 2018.08


MTH007 Linear Algebra, Fall 2024

MTH004 Multivariate Calculus, Spring 2024

MTH007 Linear Algebra, Fall 2023

MTH004 Multivariate Calculus, Spring 2023

MTH007 Linear Algebra, Fall 2022

MTH008 Multivariate Calculus, Spring 2022

MTH117 Analysis 1, Fall 2021

MTH008 Multivariate Calculus, Spring 2021

MTH117 Analysis 1, Fall 2020

MTH008 Multivariate Calculus, Spring 2020

Awards and honours

2022 Backbone Scientific and Education Talents Suzhou

2021 Jiangsu Province Innovation Entrepreneurship Doctor-Talent Program

2016 ISSAC Distinguished Student Author Award, SIGSAM, ACM

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria - 2017.02

Ph.D., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China - 2016.07

B.Sc., Soochow University, Suzhou, China - 2011.07

Person Types

  • Staff


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