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Mustafa Ozguven

Associate Professor of Practice


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Personal profile

Personal profile

Director, MSc. Entrepreneurship Innovation - Circular Economy Pathway Dr. Mustafa Ozguven is an Associate Professor of Practice at the Entrepreneur College Taicang. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in management from the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing. He is an entrepreneur who built a multinational start-up in the United States, China, and Turkey. He has coached professionally to train and develop businesses across different cultures in North America, Europe, and Asia. He possesses expertise in finance, business development, legal, administrative, credit management, marketing, as well as business management. Prior to joining XJTLU, he had two decades of experience, including engagements with renowned names such as Wall Street, The United Nations, Sina-Weibo, the CITIC group, and Prudential insurance, and has served in roles such as director, regional manager, CMO, and CEO for multinational firms.His research interests span across multiple fields and integrate knowledge and theory with practice on entrepreneurship and innovation and has been published in peer-reviewed publications. Broader research areas include Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Strategic Management, International Business, Finance, Leadership, Autonomous Vehicle Technologies, Corporate Social Responsibility, Cross-Cultural Communications, Educational Development, and Higher Education Teaching and Learning Practices. He was inspired to join academia because he has long believed in the saying, The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Having a successful business background, he wants to give back to society through his role at XJTLU to inspire students to become entrepreneurs and responsible citizens by contributing to the economy.

Research interests

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Strategic Management

International Business

Corporate Finance

Mergers & Acquisitions


Educational Development

Autonomous Vehicle Technologies

Higher Education Teaching and Learning Practices

Cross-Cultural Communications

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Person Types

  • Staff


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