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Jike Qin

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Jike Qin is the Assistant Professor and PRG director of the Department of the Educational Studies at the Academy of Future Education. Dr. Qin holds a Ph.D. in the Developmental Psychology program at The Ohio State University. She obtained a master’s degree in Developmental and Educational Psychology at State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning from Beijing Normal University.

Research interests

Cognitive Development

Numerical Cognition

Mathematical Learning

Home Numeracy Environment


Work as a graduate teaching assistant for Behavioral Neuroscience (Summer 2020), Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University

Work as a graduate teaching assistant for The Self (Summer 2020), Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University

Work as a graduate teaching assistant for Data Analysis in Psychology (Fall 2017 Spring 2018), Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University

Work as a graduate teaching assistant for Research Methods in Psychology (Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Summer 2020), Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University

EDS 421 Teaching, Pedagogy and Design, XJTLU

PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology, The Ohio State University

Awards and honours

2016-2021, Psychology Department Fellowship, The Ohio State University

2015-2016. University Fellow, The Ohio State University

2012-2013, Freshman Scholarship, Beijing Normal University

2009, 2nd Academic Scholarship, South China Normal University

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., Psychology (Developmental), The Ohio State University

M.S., Developmental and Educational Psychology, Beijing Normal University

B.S., Psychology, South China Normal University

Person Types

  • Staff


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