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NSSF: Corpus-Based Studies of Collocational Features of Translated Texts
Project: Governmental Research Project
Learning to Love Learning: Taking Control, Responsibility, and Pride through Self-Regulated Leaning and Assessment
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Social Support and Mental Health of the Adolescent with Different Levels of Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Attributional Style
Project: Governmental Research Project
SIG: A Longitudinal Study on the Association between Academic Achievements, Educational Expectation and Depression among Chinese Adolescents
Yan, R., Ren, L., Jin, L., Wu, M., Huang, Z. & Dong, Y.
Project: Internal Research Project
Analysis on the Causes of English Reading and Writing Errors and Effective Classroom Teaching Intervention in Junior Middle Schools
Project: Governmental Research Project
Meta-comprehension Monitoring Competence and its Impact on EFL Textual Reading Efficacy
Project: Governmental Research Project