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Peiling Xing

Principal Language Lecturer

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr Peiling Xing holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the UK. Her primary interests encompass technology-involved language/vocabulary acquisition strategies and teaching methodology, learning environment, motivation, academic writing, research methodology, and research design. She was recently honored with the Xipu-lamplighter award by the XJTLU Alumni Association at the 2023 Annual XJTLU Alumni Gatherings.

As the Principal Language Lecturer, she currently teaches postgraduates in various modules such as Dissertation/Thesis Writing, Reading for Writing/Conducting a Literature Review, Academic Presentation and Seminar Skills, Writing for Academic Purposes/Writing a Research Proposal, and Advanced Academic Presentation and Seminar Skills. Simultaneously, she offers a variety of personalized support including 1-to-1 writing consultation, 1-to-1 speaking consultation, and speaking clinics. She particularly enjoys guiding students in research methodology and proposal development.

With a strong background in teaching, research, and leadership, Dr Xing joined XJTLU in 2008 and has taught English for Academic Purposes (EAP) to undergraduate students in diverse streams including Language and Communication, Business, Finance, Science, Industrial Technology, Built Environment, and Analytical Academic Writing (advanced EAP classes). She has also contributed to cross-departmental joint-delivery modules such as Literature and Film, How Language Works, China and the World, and Architectural Representation and Communication. Furthermore, she has been involved in delivering intensive Pre-sessional English courses for prospective postgraduate students.

Before her tenure at XJTLU, Dr Xing taught English as a foreign language at several Chinese universities and provided Mandarin language instruction to senior officers of the British military in the UK. She also held positions as Deputy/Assistant Dean of Foreign Languages Faculty at Zhejiang Wanli University, where she served on various University committees, implemented changes and policies, and established international cooperation programs with the British Council and a number of British universities.


Reviewer of Papers in Language Testing and Assessment and TESOL International Journal

Reviewer of REF proposals at the University level

Reviewer of TDF proposals, and SURF proposals at the School level

Reviewer of research ethics applications at the School level

Mentor of TDF and SURF proposals at the School level

PhD proposal designing and writing mentor

RFSC committee member for RDF/REF and PGRS sessions at the University level

Staff representative of Year 2 SSLC (Student-Staff Liaison Committee) meeting

UPD-DLTC committee member for the annual program review

XJTLU CEAA interview panel chair

Module Convener ENG003/LAN003 How Language Works for 3 AYs

Deputy/Assistant Dean of Department/Faculty of Foreign Languages at Zhejiang Wanli University for 4 AYs

Awards and honours

Honored with the Xipu-Lamplighter award by the XJTLU Alumni Association at the 2023 XJTLU Alumni Annual Gatherings Award Ceremony.

Achieved SURF Poster Group Winner status: My SURF project team emerged as one of 12 Group Winners from a pool of 162 university-wide submissions in the 2022 SURF Poster Competition.

Earned a nomination for the XJTLU Learning and Teaching Awards in the category of The Outstanding Teacher presented by the School of Languages in the Academic Year 2019-20. [Nominators: Dr. WenCheng Hsu, Head of EAP111, and Prof. Chris Harris, Dean of SoL]

Clinched first place in a departmental teaching competition within the Department of Foreign Languages at Zhejiang Wanli University, China.

Received the Excellent Teacher Award in a city-wide evaluation, bestowed by the Ningbo City Higher Education System.

Related documents

Education/Academic qualification

PhD in Applied Linguistics, University of Dundee, UK

PG Certificate in Professional Studies in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Liverpool

PG Certificate in Education, Postgraduate Department of Shanghai International Studies University, China

BA in English Language and Literature, Foreign Language Department of Changsha University of Science and Technology, China

Person Types

  • Staff


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