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Bogdan Marculescu

Assistant Professor


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Bogdan Marculescu brings with him in the classroom a remarkable 20-year track record in the corporate, entrepreneurial and academic sectors, spanning three continents and distinguishing him as one of the leading experts in the field of Management. He holds a PhD in Management from West University of Timisoara, Romania, a DBA in Business Administration at SMC University Switzerland and an MBA from Tiffin University, Ohio, USA.Bogdan’s entrepreneurial initiatives followed his passions: Internet and Education. He initiated a number of projects and sold some of his ventures to larger companies. Additionally, Bogdan has consulted for a diverse range of entrepreneurs and small businesses across multiple industries in Romania, China and the UAE. He contributed to several academic journals, publications and reports, including Springer Publications, the Economist Intelligence Unit and others.As a curriculum developer, Bogdan has created and delivered a broad variety of courses and programs spanning a range of business-administration topics. He is regarded as a leading expert in Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking, Strategic Management and Sales Management, successfully blending his entrepreneurial, corporate, life and research experience in his classes.

Research interests

Entrepreneurship, hybrid entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial intention, self-efficacy, risk, curiosity, tolerance to uncertainty, new business opportunity identification, entrepreneurial alertness, early startup stages and development, design thinking, innovative methods in education


ENT403TC Strategic Management

Education/Academic qualification

Doctorate in Business Administration - SMC University, Switzerland

PhD in Management - West University of Timisoara, Romania

Person Types

  • Staff


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