Projects per year
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International Innovation Research Institute of Third Generation Semiconductor Power Electronic Devices and Power Integration
Wen, H., Liu, W., Lim, E. G., Yue, Y., Wang, X., Ma, F., Xu, D., Yang, L., Wang, R., Sun, J., Xue, F., Chen, M., Wang, Z., Yu, L., Zhao, C., Liu, Y., Song, P., Zhao, Y., Cui, M., Ma, J., Liu, C., Qi, Y., R., P., Taylor, S., Nichols, R., C., Y., Spencer, J., Smith, J., Qian, H. & Zhao, S.
1/01/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Governmental Research Project
Design and Exploration of the MOSFET based on third-generation semiconductor
Zhao, Y., Liu, W., Wen, H. & Liu, C.
1/09/21 → 31/08/24
Project: Internal Research Project
Power electronics high-frequency-link matrix converter based on enhanced GaN bidirectional switching power integration
Wen, H., Lim, E. G., Liu, W., Zhang, Q., Zhao, C., Fu, Y., Bu, Q., Zhu, Y., Xu, P. & Wang, X.
1/12/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Governmental Research Project
Research on photosensitive sun tracking control system for photovoltaic intelligent charging piles
Ma, J., Man, K. L., Wen, H., Zhu, X., Zhang, J., Bi, Z., Wang, K. & Wang, L.
1/12/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Governmental Research Project
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Fault Diagnosis Method for Photovoltaic DC Micro Grid
Ma, J., Man, K. L., Wen, H., Yang, R., Muhammad, 毕自强, 王康石 & 郑小瑀
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Internal Research Project
High efficient GaN-on-Si Power Device and its application
Liu, W., Wen, H., 赵策洲, 宋晰, 钱洪途, 赵树峰, 蔡宇韬, 崔苗, 李昂, 朱昱豪, 王洋, 张元雷 & 梁烨
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Internal Research Project
Modelling and Failure Mode Analysis of Power Electronics Devices
1/07/19 → 30/09/23
Project: Internal Research Project
Development of Gallium Nitride Photovoltaic Energy Storage Converter system and its Application in Energy Internet
Wen, H., 腾方, 杨彦明, 周忠兵, 杨勇, 谢门喜, Chu, G., Bu, Q., 林永义, 赵策洲, 石昊晨 & 朱殷晓
1/07/19 → 30/06/22
Project: Internal Research Project
Suzhou Municipal Key Lab of Cognitive Computing and Applied Technology
Wang, Q., Huang, K., Man, K. L., Wang, X., Ma, F., Wen, H., Jin, X., Xiao, J., Xu, M., Chen, M., Lee, S., Wang, Z., Liu, G., Niu, Q., Wen, M., Yu, L., Zhang, R., Wang, W., Liu, W., Ma, J., Zhao, C., Yang, R., Liu, Q., Zhang, Q., Yang, X., Song, P., Wang, J., Li, S., Li, Y., Yu, L., Zhu, X., Chen, J., Selig, T., Lim, E. G., Hussain, A., Coenen, F., Tillo, T., Huang, X., Yi, X., Guan, S., Yue, Y., Liang, H. & Kim, J.
1/07/19 → 30/06/21
Project: Governmental Research Project
Spatio-Temporal Forecasting Based PV Power Ramp-Rate Control Method
Du, Y., Wen, H., Xiao, W., 卢少锋, 陈晓阳, 张灿, 常家铭 & Lim, E. G.
1/01/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Governmental Research Project
Design of GaN-based Power Electronic Integrated Circuit
Wen, H., Liu, W., Xue, F., 赵策洲, 林永义, 卢少锋, 张金玲, 翟禹嘉, 石昊晨, 楚冠英 & 卜庆雷
1/01/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Internal Research Project
Mode Predictive Control for Grid-Tied Three-level Photovoltaic Inverters
Wen, H., Yang, Y., Xie, M., Du, Y. & Keun, M.
1/09/18 → 30/09/21
Project: Internal Research Project
Sky imager forecasting system based PV power control method
Du, Y., Wen, H., Chen, X., Zhang, C. & Chang, J.
1/07/18 → 30/06/21
Project: Governmental Research Project
Design and Optimization of Integrated Smart PV Module for Building integrated PV systems
Wen, H., 张林, 周彦昌, 杨勇, Lim, E. G., Kim, M. K., Xin, H., 张金玲, 杜阳, 李星硕, 石昊晨, 楚冠英 & 卜庆雷
1/07/18 → 30/06/21
Project: Internal Research Project
High-frequency-link DC Solid State Transformer For Flexible DC Distribution
1/05/18 → 31/10/21
Project: Internal Research Project
Research on the Intelligent PV module aging detection and fault diagnosis based on the GaN power integration technique
Wen, H., Lim, E. G., Xue, F., Zhao, C., Zhao, S., Du, Y., Li, X., Shi, H. & Chu, G.
1/07/17 → 30/06/20
Project: Governmental Research Project
Mismatch Phenomenon of Building PV Array under Partial Shading Conditions and Differential Power Processing Solution
Wen, H., Lim, E. G., Zhang, J., 金敬洙, 杜阳, 李星硕, 徐晓彤, 李冬昱 & 罗恒阳
1/07/16 → 30/06/19
Project: Governmental Research Project
Suzhou Municipal Key Laboratory of Cognitive Computation and Applied Technology
Wang, Q., Huang, K., Ma, F., Zhai, Y., Xiao, J., Liu, W., Zhang, R., Ting, T. O., Fei, J., Lim, E. G., Yue, Y., Guan, S., Man, K. L., Wu, Y., Liang, H. N., Wang, Z., Liu, G., Niu, Q., Wen, H., Xu, M., Wen, M., Lu, S., Liu, D., Du, Y., uk, S., Zhang, B., TAYAHI, M. & Tillo, T.
1/07/16 → 30/06/19
Project: Governmental Research Project
The platform improvement on Suzhou Municipal Key Lab (New Energy and Environmental Protection Technique): new solar cells and Li batteries based on graphene
Xue, F., Zhao, C., Yang, L., Lim, E. G., Wen, H., Zhao, C., Liu, W., Lam, S., Zhang, J., Zhai, Y., Kong, F., Qi, Y., Xin, H., Wang, R., Ji, T., Benjamin, M., Cheng, Y., 吴胜利, 贺永宁, C., Y., Nichols, R., Yan, J., Simon, J., R., P., Taylor, S., Spencer, J., 刘立伟, 李尹庆 & 孙伟
1/01/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Governmental Research Project
Research on Maximum-Power-Point-Tracking (MPPT) Techniques for Photovoltaic Applications
1/06/15 → 31/05/19
Project: Internal Research Project
Topology of AC miorogriol and coordinated control
1/03/15 → 31/03/17
Project: Governmental Research Project
Research on the Converter Topology and Optimization of Coordinated Control for DC Microgrid with Energy Storage Devices
Wen, H., Xue, F., TAYAHI, M., Du, Y., Li, X. & Zheng, K.
1/03/15 → 31/03/17
Project: Governmental Research Project
Development of high performance GaN power semiconductor devices
1/01/15 → 31/12/18
Project: Governmental Research Project
Analysis of Energy Deadband and Operating Modes in the Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Multi-Phase-Shift Modulation
Wen, H., Zhang, J., Liang, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, Q., Gao, L., Qiu, J. & Li, X.
1/01/15 → 31/12/17
Project: Governmental Research Project
Investigation of the minimization strategies for DC-Link Surge Voltage of Electric Vehicle Inverters
Wen, H., 敬文龙, 程飞 & 施赛瑜
1/08/13 → 31/12/15
Project: Governmental Research Project
Optimization Design of Current-Fed Two-Stage Resonant Inverter Topology
1/04/13 → 30/04/15
Project: Internal Research Project
Suzhou Municipal Key Laboratory for New Energy Techniques
Xue, F., Wen, H., Liu, W. & Yang, L.
1/07/08 → 30/06/11
Project: Governmental Research Project