Research on the Intelligent PV module aging detection and fault diagnosis based on the GaN power integration technique

  • Wen, Huiqing (PI)
  • Lim, Eng Gee (Team member)
  • Xue, Fei (Team member)
  • Zhao, Cezhou (Team member)
  • Zhao, Shufeng (Team member)
  • Du, Yang (Team member)
  • Li, Xingshuo (Team member)
  • Shi, Haocheng (Team member)
  • Chu, Guanying (Team member)

Project: Governmental Research Project

Project Details

Project Title (In Chinese)


Fund Amount (RMB)

Project CategorySuzhou Science and Technology Development Planning Programme: Key Industrial Technology Innovation - Prospective Applied Basic Research Project
Effective start/end date1/07/1730/06/20


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