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Experiments in Econometrics, Rationality, and Learning
Regis, P. J.
Project: Internal Research Project
High-Performance Parallel Computation Accelerating the Pricing of American Options with Transaction Costs
Zhang, N.
Project: Internal Research Project
An investigation of Chinese Learners’ Willingness to Communicate in English Language Classrooms
Cao, Y.
Project: Internal Research Project
Does Social Capital Matter to the Academic Prosperity of Higher Education Clusters in China? A Case Study from Suzhou
Karki, T. K.
Project: Internal Research Project
Preconditioning Techniques for Structured System of Linear Equations
Project: Internal Research Project
An investigation of using Web 2.0 (Wiki) to enhance foreign language learning between China and UK universities
Project: Internal Research Project
Corpus-based approaches to learning Mandarin Chinese: study materials, and a web-based learning platform
Project: Internal Research Project
Theoretical and Empirical Pricing of Mortgages: China Market Perspective
Xie, D.
Project: Internal Research Project
Executive Compensation, Firm Risk and Firm Value in China
Project: Internal Research Project
African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies (AJIMS)
Ozguven, M., Vahed, A., Akhal, K. & Benitez Garcia, A.
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Evaluating AI tools’ generated feedback on students’ writing
Project: Internal Research Project
study of telants development and Reviewing system in high level sino-foreign university
Project: Governmental Research Project
the building of financial computing service public platform
Project: Governmental Research Project
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Methodology Development for Unibody Die Casting of Aluminum Alloy
Project: Collaborative Research Project
NSSF: Corpus-Based Studies of Collocational Features of Translated Texts
Project: Governmental Research Project
Semiconductor defect detection based on complex system big data and machine vision: methods and research
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Development of phosphinic acid-based prodrugs towards MMPs inhibition in tumor progression and metastasis
Project: Internal Research Project
Enriching Students' Learning Experiences through Collaborative Online International Learning
Chen, K., Vahed, A. & Zhao, X.
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Project: Internal Research Project
Teaching content innovation of mechatronics practical courses based on industrial ethernet and edge computing
Zhang, Q., Wang, X., Yang, R. & Sun, J.
Project: Governmental Research Project
L2 Vocabulary Learning and Diagnose: Chatbot-assisted dynamic assessment (CA-DA) in L2 Lexical Inferencing
Ma, L., Yang, A., Xu, F. & Li, J.
Project: Internal Research Project
Bio-inspired, highly synergistic liquid crystal- facilitated biosensing system
Project: Internal Research Project
Semiconductor Automated Material Handling System (AHMS) Scheduling Algorithm Design (Phase 1)
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Multimodal Biomedical Data: Harnessing the Unlabeled Data to Enhance the Biomedical Interpretable Learning
Project: Governmental Research Project
PGRS - Unravelling the relationships between languages, literacies and content learning in an EMI university
Sun, Q., Wei, R. & Magliacane, A.
Project: Internal Research Project
Teaching group development in mechatronics programme for intelligent manufacturing
Zhang, Q., Lim, E. G., Huang, M. & Wang, L.
Project: Governmental Research Project
The Innovation and Investigation of the undergraduate mathematical teaching under the frame of Sino-western cooperation
Project: Governmental Research Project
Bottom-up models as a tool for neighbourhood space assessment and planning
Zhang, X.
Project: Internal Research Project
An Integrated Methodology for the Modeling, Analysis and Development of Sensor Networks Using Formal Methods
Project: Internal Research Project
Photovoltaic Effect of BiFeO3 Nanomaterials: Towards Solar Cell
Project: Internal Research Project
Behavioral Study and Establishment of Selection Criteria for Replacing Greenhouse Gases SF6 in Power Transmission Systems
Zhang, J.
Project: Internal Research Project
“I HATE KARL MARX”. Chinese clustering impact on European cities and the challenge of planning
Verdini, G.
Project: Internal Research Project
Investigation of Nuclear Transport Machinery of TDP-43 in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Liu, J.
Project: Internal Research Project
数字技术赋能湖南先进制造企业出海 战略实施:机理、路径及模式
Zhu, Y., Zhang, S., Li, X., Pu, H., Wen, H., Gao, X. & Pan, J.
Project: Governmental Research Project
Global and Chinese Enterprise Organizational Vitality Report 2023-2024: A People-Centered Organizational View
Wang, X. & Wei, H.
Project: Collaborative Research Project
A Study on the Representations of areas south of the Yangtze River in Modern Japan
Xu, Z. & Gu, C.
Project: Governmental Research Project
A Rigorous Approach for Speci cation and Veri cation of Cyber Physical Systems
Wan, K.
Project: Internal Research Project
Multi-university Experimental Research for Student-staff Exploration of Generative AI
Project: Collaborative Research Project
面向智能制造的机械电子工程专业体系与 人才培养模式的改革探究
Zhang, T., Zhang, Q., Sun, J. & Qi, Y.
Project: Governmental Research Project