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Suzhou Municipal Key Laboratory for New Energy Techniques
Xue, F., Wen, H., Liu, W. & Yang, L.
1/07/08 → 30/06/11
Project: Governmental Research Project
NCET: Study on the Electronic Structure of Macromolecular Anions (NCET-07-0256)
1/01/08 → 1/01/10
Project: Governmental Research Project
ARC DP: Dynamic Asset Pricing and Portfolio Decision Rules under Heterogeneous Expectations and Adaptive Learning in Continuous Time
He, X. & Chiarella, C.
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Governmental Research Project
ARC DP: A New Paradigm of Financial Market Behaviour
Chiarella, C. & He, X.
1/01/04 → 31/12/06
Project: Governmental Research Project
ATN: Asset Price, Wealth Dynamics and Microscopic Simulation Under Heterogeneous Expectations
Chiarella, C. & He, X.
1/01/02 → 31/12/02
Project: Governmental Research Project
AC3 CMCRC: Research Program in Computational Finance
Hall, T. & He, X.
1/01/01 → 31/01/03
Project: Governmental Research Project
Demonstrative Creation: Material Studies in Curatorial Practice & Creative Spatial Design
Project: Internal Research Project
Discovery, Computational Modelling and Prediction of Novel Virucidal Polymers against SARS-CoV-2
Project: Internal Research Project
Enhancing Engineering Design Teaching Through Visualized Virtual Design and Simulation Tool
Project: Internal Research Project
SIG: A Longitudinal Study on the Association between Academic Achievements, Educational Expectation and Depression among Chinese Adolescents
Yan, R., Ren, L., Jin, L., Wu, M., Huang, Z. & Dong, Y.
Project: Internal Research Project
Social Support and Mental Health of the Adolescent with Different Levels of Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Attributional Style
Project: Governmental Research Project
PGRS: Energy harvesting and photovoltaic conversion properties of hybrid light-harvesting system
Project: Internal Research Project
Relating children’s vocabulary development to the properties of caregivers’ child-directed speech in the Chinese context
Project: Internal Research Project
The Evaluation on training performance of primary and secondary school principles
Project: Governmental Research Project
CRISPR Activation for Epigenetic Reprogramming to Reverse Cellular Aging
Project: Governmental Research Project
Three-dimensional simulation of wave-induced scour erosion around a cylinder
Project: Internal Research Project
Analysis on the Causes of English Reading and Writing Errors and Effective Classroom Teaching Intervention in Junior Middle Schools
Project: Governmental Research Project
Application of diffusion generative models in Data assimilation.
Project: Internal Research Project
Research Project on the Application of New Energy Commercial Vehicles
Project: Collaborative Research Project
TDF: Developing a Corpus of Business Languages in Modern Langguages Centre (CLT, JPL, SPA) Phase 1
Takewa, M., Yang, F. & Jeaco, S.
Project: Internal Research Project
A Study on the Representations of areas south of the Yangtze River in Modern Japan
Xu, Z. & Gu, C.
Project: Governmental Research Project
面向智能制造的机械电子工程专业体系与 人才培养模式的改革探究
Zhang, T., Zhang, Q., Sun, J. & Qi, Y.
Project: Governmental Research Project
Lockdowns and Leverage: Option Pricing during the Covid Pandemic
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Multi-university Experimental Research for Student-staff Exploration of Generative AI
Project: Collaborative Research Project
“I HATE KARL MARX”. Chinese clustering impact on European cities and the challenge of planning
Verdini, G.
Project: Internal Research Project
Executive Compensation, Firm Risk and Firm Value in China
Project: Internal Research Project
A Power Efficient and Flexible Mote-on-a-Chip for Wireless Sensor Networks
Project: Internal Research Project
Urban Morphology Resilient to Urban Shrinkage: Unveiling the Paradox of Modernism in Regeneration Projects
Project: Governmental Research Project
Exploring Effectiveness of Virtual Immersive Learning Environment in Academic Speaking Practices
Project: Internal Research Project
Machine Learning Prediction of Mechanical Property Uniformity and AI-based Design of New Wrought Aluminum Alloys
Xuan, C.
Project: Collaborative Research Project
Surface Plasmon Photonics for Enhancing the Conversion Efficiency in Current and Next Generation Solar Cells
Tayahi, M.
Project: Internal Research Project
Meta-comprehension Monitoring Competence and its Impact on EFL Textual Reading Efficacy
Project: Governmental Research Project
RDF-23-02-076 Understanding CNS effects of acute and chronic oil exposure using zebrafish models
Kaluev, A. & Yang, L.
Project: Internal Research Project