Personal profile

Personal profile

Miss Xiaowei Fan is a PhD student at XEC. She holds a master's degree with Distinction in MSc in Operation and Supply Chain Management, as well as a bachelor's degree in BSc Economics and Finance, both obtained from IBSS, XJTLU.

Xiaowei's research interest spans consumer behaviour, metaverse and retail management, and game theory. Her teaching assistantship experience includes: SMO201 Corporate Social Responsibility (Tutorial); IFB317TC Strategic Management and Policy (Seminar), IF110TC Fundamentals of Marketing (Tutorial), IFB002TC Essentials of Intelligent Supply Chain (Tutorial), and ENT302TC Cutting-edge Practice in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Lab) among other specialised management courses.

In addition, Xiaowei gave a speech at the 2022 POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) International Conference, and won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the First Wisdom Lake Postgraduate Researcher Development Conference & 2023 XJTLU Postgraduate Research Symposium.

Education/Academic qualification

Master, MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

7 Sept 202018 Mar 2022

Award Date: 18 Mar 2022

BSc Economics and Finance

5 Sept 201628 Jul 2020

Award Date: 16 Jul 2020

Person Types

  • Students

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