Activities per year
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Springer Nature (Publisher)
Sze-Hong Teh (Editor)
May 2023 → Dec 2023Activity: Peer-review and editorial work of publications › Editorial work
International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics 2023
Sze-Hong Teh (Member of programme committee)
2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participating in an event e.g. a conference, workshop, …
Nonlinear dynamics of impacting indenter
Sze-Hong Teh (Speaker), K.-C. Woo (Speaker) & M. Wiercigroch (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation at conference/workshop/seminar
Controller design of a robotic orthosis using sinusoidal-input describing function model
Sze-Hong Teh (Co-supervisor)
2022Activity: Supervision › PhD Supervision
Nonlinear controller synthesis of a two-link robotic orthosis using describing function and machine learning approach
Sze-Hong Teh (Supervisor)
2022Activity: Supervision › Completed SURF Project
Attractors of rotating pendulums
Sze-Hong Teh (Speaker) & K.-C. Woo (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation at conference/workshop/seminar
Development of underactuated tendon driven manipulator incorporated with energy saving bistable electromagnetic coupling mechanism
Sze-Hong Teh (Co-supervisor)
2020Activity: Supervision › PhD Supervision
Higher Education Academy, UK (External organisation)
Sze-Hong Teh (Member)
2020 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Rotating a pendulum with an electromechanical excitation
Sze-Hong Teh (Speaker), K.-H. Chan (Speaker), K.-C. Woo (Speaker) & H. Demrdash (Speaker)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation at conference/workshop/seminar
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, IMechE (External organisation)
Sze-Hong Teh (Member)
2011 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Design and instrumentation of a benchmark multivariable nonlinear control laboratory
Sze-Hong Teh (Speaker), S. Malawarrarachci (Speaker), W. P. Chan (Speaker) & A. Nassirharand (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation at conference/workshop/seminar
Multivariable temperature control of a reactor
A. Nassirharand (Speaker) & Sze-Hong Teh (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation at conference/workshop/seminar
Software for design of linear controllers for nonlinear systems
A. Nassirharand (Speaker) & Sze-Hong Teh (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation at conference/workshop/seminar