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Shanshan Zhao

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Dr Shanshan Zhao is an Assistant Professor at the School of AI and Advanced Computing(AIAC), XJTLU Entrepreneur College. She earned her PhD from Peking University, specializing in remote sensing imaging and resource prospecting. She holds Masters degrees in Image Processing and Computer Vision from three universities in Budapest, Madrid, and Bordeaux (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Université de Bordeaux). She was a former Research Intern at LaBRI (FR), delved into deep learning for structural representation of images. As an Erasmus alum, she brings a global perspective to her work, enriching her academic pursuits. Currently, her dedication lies in advancing the field of Generative AI at the Edge, committed to fostering innovation, collaboration, and excellence in every academic endeavor.


DTS201TC Pattern Recognition

DTS206TC Applied Linear Statistical Models

Education/Academic qualification

PhD., Remote Sensing Imaging, Peking Univeristy

MSc., Image Processing and Computer Vision, EM Joint Masters (PPKE, UAM, UBx)

BSc., EE, Beijing Normal Univerisity

Person Types

  • Staff


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