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CRISPR Activation for Epigenetic Reprogramming to Reverse Cellular Aging
Project: Governmental Research Project
Multimodal Biomedical Data: Harnessing the Unlabeled Data to Enhance the Biomedical Interpretable Learning
Project: Governmental Research Project
PGRS: Energy harvesting and photovoltaic conversion properties of hybrid light-harvesting system
Project: Internal Research Project
Development of phosphinic acid-based prodrugs towards MMPs inhibition in tumor progression and metastasis
Project: Internal Research Project
Integration and demonstration of carbon sequestration and sequestration enhancement technologies in Suzhou farmland ecosystem
Project: Governmental Research Project
Discovery, Computational Modelling and Prediction of Novel Virucidal Polymers against SARS-CoV-2
Project: Internal Research Project
RDF-23-02-076 Understanding CNS effects of acute and chronic oil exposure using zebrafish models
Kaluev, A. & Yang, L.
Project: Internal Research Project