Unlocking future learning: Exploring higher education students' intention to adopt meta-education

Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan*, Malek Alsoud, Na Li, Tha'er Majali, Jo Smedley, Akhmad Habibi

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


Despite the potential of meta-education to transform higher education, there remains a scarcity of research investigating students' adoption intentions. This study aimed to identify factors influencing students' intentions to adopt meta-education using an extended Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior model (DTPB). Data was collected via an online survey of 596 higher education students from Jordan who were purposefully selected. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares analysis revealed attitude, social influence, and perceived behavioral control as key antecedents of adoption intention. Furthermore, newly added variables including perceived enjoyment, herd behavior, student autonomy, and student innovativeness showed efficiency in explaining variance in attitude, social influence, and perceived behavioral control. Overall, the extended model provided meaningful insights on factors driving students' willingness to adopt meta-education. The study contributes to theory by extending the decomposed TPB model in the context of emerging educational technologies. It also provides practical implications for policymakers and educators aiming to encourage meta-education adoption.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere29544
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2024


  • Attitude
  • Herd behavior
  • Meta-education
  • Metaverse adoption
  • Perceived enjoyment
  • Student autonomy


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