Energy Transition Dynamics Amid Policy Uncertainty, Environmental Regulations and Geopolitics: Evidence from China

Kingsley Dogah, Hao Lan, Sheng Zhao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The time-varying dynamics of the transition to renewable energy reflect the effectiveness and efficiency of energy policy. This paper investigates renewable energy transition behavior in China using Markov regime-switching models. Two distinct phases, expansion and contraction, are identified based on the growth rates of renewable energy consumption share. We find that since China started its new-energy national strategy in 2005, there has been an extended period in which it has been in the expansion state, although it occasionally reverts to a contraction state. Intriguingly, we uncover that the timing of transition state changes can be explained by the changes in policy-related, market-based instruments and risk-related indexes. These findings present implications for policymakers in developing more precise and effective policies, that drives investment choices to align with the goal of a sustainable energy system.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Cleaner Production
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 23 Jun 2024


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