Jiangyang Zhao

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Personal profile

As a scholar and architect specialising in the digital design and fabrication of conventional Chinese timber structures, I have had the privilege of designing numerous projects within this niche. In addition, I have been honoured to act as a reviewer for scholarly conferences, leading workshops and presenting lectures at numerous universities and institutions. I also spent more than three years imparting knowledge about robotic fabrication and digital design modules at the highly reputed University of Liverpool. Moreover, I have many academic publications in my name that focus on digital design and robotic fabrication. My research predominantly revolves around digital design, traditional timber structures, and robotic fabrication.

Research interests

Robotic fabrication, Digital design, Traditional Chinese timber structure, Discrete design, heritage conservation

Awards and honours

 Hawthorn Prize for most impressive Pavilion, Fabfest2018.London.

Related documents

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Reinterpreting the Dougong: Developing a design-to-fabrication framework for utilising the Dougong in contemporary architecture, University of Liverpool


Award Date: 1 Jul 2024

External positions

Reviewer, ARCH707: Research Methodology, University of Liverpool


Teaching assistant, ARCH261: Structure Design, , University of Liverpool


Tutor, ARCH730, Digital design, University of Liverpool


Senior assistant Architect, Jincheng Hewei Planning & Design Group, Shanxi Province


Assistant Architect, PLANNING&DESIGN CONSULTANTS COMPANY, Shanxi Province



  • NA Architecture
  • Digital Desgin
  • Robotic Fabrication
  • Digital Heritage

Person Types

  • Staff


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