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Anning Yang

Associate Language Lecturer

Personal profile

Personal profile

I completed my Master’s degree in Linguistics at Lancaster University. I have been educated in China, South Korea and the UK, highly proficient in speaking Mandarin, English, Korean and Cantonese. I have rich overseas study and work experience, in particular working with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Research interests

My research interest lies in the area of literacy studies, including bi/multilingual literacies and academic literacies, in particular academic English writing. Drawing on literacy as a social practice, I am particularly interested in exploring how this theory can shape our understanding of the role of reading and writing in multilingual context as well as in academic context.

Research overview: My main research interests are: 1) Bilingual and multilingual literacies (from sociolinguistics perspectives) 2) Academic literacies (in particular academic English writing) 3) Digital literacies (e.g., how people creatively use their linguistic repertoire and other semiotic resources to make meaning in their social interaction) 4) Translanguaging (language choice and identity)

Awards and honours

The Lancaster Award (Gold), UK

Presidential Scholarship, South Korea

National Scholarship, China

The course College English I taught at university was awarded as Premium Course nationally by the programme headquarter in Beijing.

Education/Academic qualification

MA in Language and Linguistics, Lancaster University, UK

MA in Korean Language Studies, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Higher Education Teacher Certificate, China Ministry of Education

Certificate of Korean Language Teacher, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Republic of Korea

Person Types

  • Staff


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