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Bowen Xu

Assistant Professor

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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Bowen Xu is currently a lecturer (assistant professor) in the Department of Civil Engineering at XJTLU. He holds a BEng in Civil Engineering from the Dalian University of Technology in China and an MSc in Earthquake Engineering From Imperial College London in the U.K. He continued his research at Imperial College London and acquired his PhD degree working on the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 within the project Anagennisi: Innovative Use of All Tyre Components in Concrete. He later worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the same institution, focusing on the experimental and numerical study of the comprehensive behaviour of cementitious composites incorporating sustainable components, such as rubber particles, vinyl banner plastics or polymer emulsions.

Research interests

Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of cementitious composites

Reinforcecd concrete structure design and analysis

Experimental and numerical studies of materials and engineering structures

Multidiscipline applications of innovative sustainable materials, such as polymer modified composites and FRP condined structures


Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Department of Civil Engineering, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China. 2020 - Present

Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial Collge London, UK. 2019-2020


CEN325 Timber and Masonry Structures

CEN208 Capstone Design

CEN403 Advanced Simulation of Sustainable Structural Systems

CEN901 Research Methods

CEN903 Research and Development in Engineering

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Civil Engineering, Imperial College London, UK. 2019

MSc, Earthquake Engineering, Imperial College London, UK. 2014

BEng, Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China. 2013

Person Types

  • Staff


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