"Yuánfèn" Live Performance @ Chance Encounter Performance Art Group Exhibition - Pictura Teekengenootschap (Pictura Dordrecht). Netherlands

Kimvi Nguyen (Performer)

Research output: Practice-based research outputExhibition/ Event/ FestivalCurated works: Physical Exhibition/ Event/ Festival


"Yuánfèn" embraces the essence of predestined relationships deeply rooted in Chinese culture. This artistic exploration delves into the notion that chance encounters are not arbitrary but rather orchestrated by fate or destiny. It encapsulates the concept of Yuánfèn by transforming an impromptu coincidental gathering into a remarkable opportunity for connection among friends, artists, and the public.

The British artist, Kimvi, embarks on a metaphorical journey from China, traversing through the Netherlands on a stop over at the exhibition space ‘Pictura’ in Dordrecht , and eventually returning to the UK for a brief period. Within this transient space, Kimvi seizes the present moment, employing only the items found within her luggage as artistic mediums. These objects become vessels through which the profound feeling of Yuánfèn is expressed.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Publication statusIn preparation - 24 Jun 2023
EventChance Encounter Performance Art event - Pictura Teekengenootschap (Pictura Dordrecht). Netherlands - Pictura Teekengenootschap (Pictura Dordrecht), Dordrecht, Netherlands
Duration: 24 Jun 202324 Jun 2023

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