Relationships between teacher–child relationships, resilience, and emotional competence: an empirical study of left-behind children in regional China

Ning Yang, Jinjin Lu*, Adrianne John Galang, Huiling Xie

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This study aims to examine the relationships between teacher-child relationships, resilience, and emotional competence with an initial sample of 881 (filtered to 739) Chinese young children in a rural region in Guangdong Province, China. They were measured by using Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS), Children’s emotional competence scale (CECS), and Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers Second Edition (DECA-P2). The results indicated that: (1) teacher–child relationships positively predict resilience and emotional competence in children, including left-behind children; (2) emotional competence positively predict resilience in children, including left-behind children; (3) no different patterns found between left-behind children and other children on their psychological traits in the study. This study would enhance both parents and early childhood teachers’ understandings of the key factors that affect children’s wellbeing and social development, and thus implement appropriate strategies for supporting left-behind children.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)210-226
Number of pages17
JournalEarly Years
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Apr 2024


  • emotional competence
  • left-behind children
  • multilevel model
  • resilience
  • Teacher–child relationships


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