Prototyping Parametrically Designed Fiber-reinforced Concrete Facade Elements Using 3D Printed Formwork

Deyan Quan, Christiane Herr, Davide Lombardi, Ziyue Gao, Jun Xia

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


This paper documents the initial stage of a study investigating the interrelations between façade geometry design, material and fabrication constraints, and focuses on incorporating structural and fabrication constraints into parametric façade design. It presents the initial phase of the prototyping process for intricate façade elements employing robotically 3D printed formwork in combination with ultra-high-performance fiber reinforced concrete. Following a review of precedent research related to digitally designed and fabricated concrete elements, experimental results derived from compression load testing of high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete using 3D printed formwork are discussed and compared to structural performance of the same material cast in conventional formwork. The prototyping process and structural analysis of the prototypes demonstrate the feasibility of a design approach that facilitates parametric geometry design and resource-efficient small-scale production of façade prototypes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInnovation, Sustainability, Legacy / IASS 2022
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022


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