title = "L'eco dei Maestri: Sull'incipit spurio dell'{"}Eneide{"} nel carme I di Publilio Optaziano Porfirio (Opt. Porf. {"}Carm.{"}, I 1-10) ",
abstract = "The book outlines a philological hypothesis inherent in the presence of the {"}Aeneid{"} spurious {"}incipit{"} in the first ten verses of the 'Carmen I' of the 'liber' of {"}Carmina{"} ('figurata') by the poet of the age of Constantine Publilius Optatianus Porphyrius. The possible parallel is a starting point for a debate among Philologists and a proposal for the development of other studies on the subject. The volume's thesis could have very significant consequences both for the progress of the studies on Optatianus Porphyrius' poetry and for the analysis of the tradition of the text of Vergil's {"}Aeneid{"}.",
keywords = "Optatianus Porphyrius, Aeneid, Vergil, Spurious Incipit, Late Latin Poetry",
author = "{PERONO CACCIAFOCO}, Francesco",
note = "PERONO CACCIAFOCO, Francesco. (2011). L'eco dei Maestri: Sull'incipit spurio dell'{"}Eneide{"} nel carme I di Publilio Optaziano Porfirio (Opt. Porf. {"}Carm.{"}, I 1-10) (Masters' Echoes: On the {"}Aeneid{"}'s Spurious Incipit in the Carmen I by Publilius Optatianus Porphyrius (Opt. Porf. {"}Carm.{"}, I 1-10). Pisa / Castellazzo Bormida (AL): Pisa University - Teatro Vocali Edizioni (Series {"}Fiori di Cactus{"}, N. 5 - ISSN: 2240-7782)",
year = "2011",
month = nov,
language = "意大利语",
volume = "5",
series = "Fiori di Cactus",
publisher = "University of Pisa - Teatro Vocali Edizioni",
edition = "1",