Corpus use in the learning of Chinese resultative constructions by L2 learners of Chinese

Tanjun Liu, Shuo Yu

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Chinese resultative constructions are probably one of the most challenging types of constructions for L2 Chinese learners (Yu 2003 ; Yuan & Zhao 2010). Corpus use has been argued to offer an effective teaching method in language learning, one of which is data-driven learning (i.e. direct corpus use). However, there is a gap in employing corpora directly in learning Chinese (Vyatkina & Boulton 2017), and relatively fewer studies have explored learners’ learning strategies when interacting with the corpus data in practice. This study, therefore, focuses on the learning outcomes of DDL through concordance-based materials in learning Chinese resultative constructions by learners of Chinese, and provides a preliminary understanding of learners’ strategies when using the concordance-
based materials. Results indicated that although there was no significant change in a gapfilling task, learners made significant improvements in a sentence-combining task. Moreover, learners employed different cognitive, metacognitive and affective strategies when consulting concordancebased materials. The results suggest that the incorporation of corpus data into language learning is
useful for learning Chinese resultatives, particularly for what concerns word order.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)67-84
Journal Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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