Roberto Podda*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


In his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922) L. Wittgenstein argued that reality can be described as an indissoluble whole consisting of a "system of structured facts". Following this definition, we could say that even for the human artefact, which is by nature part of reality, there are mainly two basic elements that constitute factual reality: concrete "facts" and the "structure" that relates them. It is in the realisation of the human being/world that the body, experience after experience, “crisis after crisis” using Husserl, acquires its own subjective, corporeal and inter-corporeal intentionality. (Franzini 1996, p.13) The body roots itself, its vital being, through cognitive operations that always have an 'aesthetic-sensual’ foundation. It lives in finitude. In this, the body acquires a dialogical value, in which the experience of the real is ossified. What we might today call, in the words of Dino Formaggio (1996, pp. 13-14), "the science of bodily intuitions", must reshape its space. It is a matter of studying the theoretical implications of the massive use of "exponential technologies" (Kotler 2012), which implies a redefining of the relationship between the human body and the new totality. This entails a revision of the concept of corporeality in the light of current paradigm shifts. Contemporary man is now called upon to put his “finiteness” to the test, to create new categories and to draw from them the possibility of reshaping the dialogue between body, space, and hyper-technology.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEURAU24 international conference
Subtitle of host publicationIN-PRESENCE / THE BODY AND THE SPACE. The role of corporeity in the era of virtualization
PublisherPublica press
ISBN (Print)788899586409
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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