基于国际化人才培养目标的高职中外合作办学英语教学改革探索: 以苏州百年职业学院英语在线教学水平提升行动为例

Translated title of the contribution: Exploration of English Teaching Reform in Sino-foreign Cooperative Higher Vocational Colleges based on the Goal of International Talents Cultivation: Taking Suzhou Centennial College English Online Teaching Improvement (EOTI) Action as a Case

Keran Zhang, Lin Ma

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Translated title of the contribution Exploration of English Teaching Reform in Sino-foreign Cooperative Higher Vocational Colleges based on the Goal of International Talents Cultivation: Taking Suzhou Centennial College English Online Teaching Improvement (EOTI) Action as a Case
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)73-76
Number of pages4
JournalEducation and Teaching Forum 教育教学论坛
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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