Symphony of the Everyday – Sunset Sonata / 日常空间交响曲——日落奏鸣曲

Research output: Practice-based research outputDigital, Visual or Audio-visual Creative WorkOriginal creative work: Visual art work


Inserted into the entrance to a small courtyard inhabited by four families in Haiyan village, Kunming, China, the work "Symphony of the Everyday – Sunset Sonata" employs subtle interventions in the form of light, sound and kinetic objects to reveal the aesthetic dimension of everyday objects and materials.

Technology is often seen to be in competition with heritage and tradition – often threatening it to the point of elimination for a new, smarter world. "Symphony of the Everyday – Sunset Sonata", however, suggests that there can be a different position. Incorporating cybernetic approaches to integrating analogues and digital realms, the installation uses interactive technology to highlight the value of tradition and heritage through aesthetic experience.

"Symphony of the Everyday – Sunset Sonata" reveals the role of architecture as a means of constructing an enriched life and the hidden presence of the objects and materials that make up a village household's everyday. Activated by the movement of the visitors, playing in the presence of the setting sun, sounds and kinetic objects engage in a new conversation on technology and heritage.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Apr 2024
Event2024 滇池风土艺术季:“家园与未来” | 2024 Dianchi Art Season: "Home and Future" - Kunming, Kunming, China
Duration: 27 Jan 20248 May 2024


  • public art
  • interactive art
  • electronic art
  • media art
  • cybernetics
  • Conversation theory
  • light art
  • sound art
  • sonification
  • kinetic objects


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  • 滇池风土艺术季 2024

    Translated title of the contribution: Dianchi Art Season 2024 DING, F., Dong, Y., Julian, A., Nie, R. & YANG, X., 2024

    Research output: Practice-based research outputExhibition/ Event/ FestivalCurated works: Physical Exhibition/ Event/ Festival

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