m7GHub V2.0: an updated database for decoding the N7-methylguanosine (m 7 G) epitr anscript ome

Xuan Wang, Yuxin Zhang, Kunqi Chen, Zhanmin Liang, Jiongming Ma, Rong Xia, João Pedro de Magalhães, Daniel J. Rigden, Jia Meng, Bowen Song*

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13 Citations (Scopus)


With recent progress in mapping N7-methylguanosine (m 7 G) RNA methylation sites, tens of thousands of experimentally validated m 7 G sites ha v e been disco v ered in various species, shedding light on the significant role of m 7 G modification in regulating numerous biological processes including disease pathogenesis. An integrated resource that enables the sharing , annot ation and customized analysis of m 7 G data will greatly facilitate m 7 G studies under various physiological contexts. We previously developed the m7GHub database to host mRNA m 7 G sites identified in the human transcriptome. Here, we present m7GHub v.2.0, an updated resource for a comprehensive collection of m 7 G modifications in various types of RNA across multiple species: an m7GDB database containing 430 898 putative m 7 G sites identified in 23 species, collected from both widely applied next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the emerging Oxford Nanopore direct RNA sequencing (ONT) techniques; an m7GDiseaseDB hosting 156 206 m 7 G-associated variants (involving addition or removal of an m 7 G site), including 3238 disease-relevant m 7 G-SNPs that may function through epitranscriptome disturbance; and two enhanced analysis modules to perform interactive analyses on the collections of m 7 G sites (m7GFinder) and functional variants (m7GSNPer). We expect that m7Ghub v.2.0 should serve as a valuable centralized resource for studying m 7 G modification. It is freely accessible at: www.rnamd.org/m7GHub2 .

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)D203-D212
JournalNucleic Acids Research
Issue numberD1
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jan 2024


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