Animating in British Communities During the Lockdown: by Myria Christophini

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article is an examination of the use of animation in a participatory context in the
    United Kingdom during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. It employs a case studies
    approach to record a collection of this largely unexplored area of the participatory
    animation arts, which here is understood as the joint effort that goes into the preparation
    and creation process of an animation project that involves different communities. The case
    studies are presented through a series of interviews and literature reviews. A reflective
    analysis aims to inspire and provide best-practice guidance for participatory arts. As is
    often customary in the creative arts, the article is written in the first person, as a narrative,
    a reflective journal, to illuminate the author’s thought process concerning participatory
    animation in online and physically distanced settings. It should be read having in mind the
    paradigm of social constructivism and the related view that knowledge is co-constructed in
    social settings, as well as the concept of the potentially unending and constantly improving
    spiral methodology of Action Research (see Vygotsky). Finally, the article claims that
    although animation bears many merits in its use as a participatory arts tool, unlike other
    means of participatory art-making such as mural painting, it does seem to require a
    healthy budget. Therefore, by highlighting the benefits and the difficulties of using
    animation as a participatory tool, I hope to inform practitioners of what to expect during
    such projects to help them plan better and to encourage funders to generously support
    such endeavors.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numberIDDN 1930-1928
    Pages (from-to)1
    Number of pages16
    JournalAnimation Studies - The Peer-reviewed Open Access Online Journal for Animation History and Theory -
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Dec 2023


    • animation
    • UK
    • participation
    • collaborative arts
    • covid 19
    • animation for social change


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