UX manual for a New Learning & Teaching Experience 

Project: Internal Research Project

Project Details

Fund Amount (RMB)



At the ARD department, the students and teachers regularly use different User Experience (UX) tools in their projects to conduct User Research and set up the brainstorming sessions. However, there is room to propose more integrity and coordination in the methodology of teaching and applying these tools. This TDF proposal seeks to revise and improve the teaching and learning experience in applying the UX tools at the research and ideation phases of the students' projects. An in-depth analysis of the current experience with a series of surveys, external expertise, and tests will contribute to identifying the actual issues and needs. It will thus provide the grounding for systemizing the teaching and learning experience in the form of a compiled methodological manual. This manual will use an intuitive visual and verbal language to ensure the smoothness and correctness of the application of UX tools in the student's projects.

Key findings

The research on students’ opinions of our Design School has identified four groups of findings:
 The four most challenging design tasks as perceived by the students are collecting data from users, synthesizing the findings into a clear picture, coming up with interesting ideas, proceed from thinking to developing the project. ;
 Reasons for why these tasks are challenging as perceived by the students are lack of examples and lack of understanding how to start;
 The overall degree of confidence in relation to each design stage is strong yet this does not guarantee the creative behavior;
 We should build a vocabulary and systemize the design tools according to their working principle and the relevant design stage to improve learnability by the students.
Project CategoryTeaching Development Fund
Effective start/end date1/09/2031/08/22


  • design thinking
  • ux tools
  • educational manual


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