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Personal profile

Personal profile

Ran Xu (Ryan) received his Ph.D. from the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at University of Hong Kong. Afterward, He worked in the Department of MathematicsStatistics at Concordia University as a Postdoctoral fellow from Sep. 2018 to Aug. 2019, and joined XJTLU in Sep. 2019.

Research interests

Risk and Ruin Theory

Stochastic Optimal Control in Insurance and Finance

Applied Stochastic Processes

Machine Learning Techniques in Actuarial Science


Sep. 2019 - Present, Assistant Professor in Actuarial Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Sep.2018 - Aug.2019, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of MathematicsStatistics, Concordia University, Montreal.


MTH113 Intro. Probability and Statistics, XJTLU, 2019/20_S1, 2020/2021_S1

MTH214 Life Insurance Mathematics II, XJTLU, 2021/22 S2

MTH306 Credibility Theory, XJTLU 2019/20_S2, 2020/21_S2

MTH434 Life Insurance Mathematics, XJTLU, 2021/22 S2

MTH435 Stochastic Modeling in Actuarial Science, XJTLU, 2021/22 S1, 2022/23 S1

Fundamental Mathematics II, Concordia University, 2019 Winter

Education/Academic qualification


Person Types

  • Staff


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