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Hosted a delegation composed of 26 members from the Standing Committee of the Suzhou People's Congress in capacity of the Chairman of Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese; 苏州市人大常委会副主任黄靖一行26人来太召开全市人大教科文卫和外事民宗侨台工作座谈会并考察教科文卫和外事民宗侨台工作相关联系点--代表西浦侨联太仓分会与太仓综合办公室接待代表团参访西浦创业家学院并做学校基本情况介绍 (26.03.24)
Jiyao Xun (Participant)
26 Mar 2024Activity: Other
TV interview on the Grand Openning of Taicang Campus by TV media such as 《太仓市电视台》《新华日报》
Jiyao Xun (Participant)
5 Sept 2022Activity: Other