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Aistis Atminas

Assistant Professor

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Aistis graduated from PhD at University of Warwick in 2015. Prior to joining XJTLU in September 2019, he worked as a Teaching Fellow of Mathematics and Statistics at London School of Economics (2016-2019) and as a Lecturer of Mathematics at Nottingham Trent University (2016). His research interests lie in Graph Theory and Combinatorics.


Aug 2019-present, Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, XJTLU

Sep 2016 - Aug 2019, Teaching Fellow in Mathematics and Statistics, London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE)

Jan 2016 - Jul 2016, Lecturer in Mathematics, Nottingham Trent University


2019-2020 XJTLU: Lecturer for Analysis 1 and Analysis 2.

2016-2019 London School of Economics: Teaching Fellow for Elementary Statistical Theory, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Optimisation Theory, Differential Equations, Further Mathematical Methods, Further Quantitative Methods, Quantitative Methods.

2016 Nottingham Trent University: Lecturer and seminar leader for Foundations and Investigations in Mathematics (introductory analysis), Differential Equations and Transforms; Seminar leader for Linear Algebra and Applications.

2011-2014 University of Warwick: Teaching assistant for Math for Computer Scientists, Combinatorics, Algorithmic Graph Theory, Graph Theory; Supervisor for second year undergraduate students on core modules including: Analysis, Algebra, Vector Analysis, Differentiation.

Education/Academic qualification

2011-2015, University of Warwick, PhD in Mathematics, Advisor Prof. V. Lozin, Thesis: Well-quasi-ordering of Combinatorial Structures (thesis available online on

2007-2011, University of Cambridge, Girton College, Mathematical Tripos (BA and MMath)

Person Types

  • Staff


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