The type IX secretion system is required for virulence of the fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare

Nan Li, Yongtao Zhu, Benjamin R. LaFrentz, Jason P. Evenhuis, David W. Hunnicutt, Rachel A. Conrad, Paul Barbier, Connor W. Gullstrand, Jack E. Roets, Jonathan L. Powers, Surashree S. Kulkarni, Devon H. Erbes, Julio C. García, Pin Nie*, Mark J. McBride

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60 Citations (Scopus)


Flavobacterium columnare, a member of the phylum Bacteroidetes, causes columnaris disease in wild and aquaculture-reared freshwater fish. The mechanisms responsible for columnaris disease are not known. Many members of the phylum Bacteroidetes use type IX secretion systems (T9SSs) to secrete enzymes, adhesins, and proteins involved in gliding motility. The F. columnare genome has all of the genes needed to encode a T9SS. gldN, which encodes a core component of the T9SS, was deleted in wild-type strains of F. columnare. The F. columnare ΔgldN mutants were deficient in the secretion of several extracellular proteins and lacked gliding motility. The ΔgldN mutants exhibited reduced virulence in zebrafish, channel catfish, and rainbow trout, and complementation restored virulence. PorV is required for the secretion of a subset of proteins targeted to the T9SS. An F. columnare ΔporV mutant retained gliding motility but exhibited reduced virulence. Cell-free spent media from exponentially growing cultures of wild-type and complemented strains caused rapid mortality, but spent media from ΔgldN and ΔporV mutants did not, suggesting that soluble toxins are secreted by the T9SS.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere01769-17
JournalApplied and Environmental Microbiology
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Columnaris disease
  • Gliding motility
  • Type IX secretion system
  • Virulence


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