The Rise of Digital Craftsmen: Study of Digital Architectural Education in China and the West

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


Digital design and fabrication technology is stimulating a paradigm shift in architecture. The emerging form finding and materialisation approaches may curve the trajectory of a conventional pedagogical agenda. Thus, this paper argues that most architectural schools in China are indifferent to such a trend due to the current syllabus ignoring design and make synergy. It firstly reviews the discourse of a paradigm shift in architectural discipline, explains the rising digital trend within China's context. Followed by the discussion of an emerging ideology of digital craftsmen in education, which is further elaborated through the study of digital architectural studios taught in Western architectural schools. It concludes by suggesting a pedagogical approach, which promotes digital craftsmen, to be recognised in the current teaching ideology so that future generations of Chinese architects may prevail.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication数智营造: 2020 年全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学与研究学术研讨会论文集
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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