The Pathway Analysis of Micrornas Regulated Drug-Resistant Responses in HeLa Cells

Yubo Yang, Cuihong Dai, Zhipeng Cai, Aiju Hou, Dayou Cheng, Guanying Wu, Jing Li, Jie Cui, Dechang Xu*

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Chemotherapy is the main strategy in the treatment of cancer; however, the development of drug-resistance is the obstacle in long-term treatment of cervical cancer. Cisplatin is one of the most common drugs used in cancer therapy. Recently, accumulating evidence suggests that miRNAs are involved in various bioactivities in oncogenesis. It is not unexpected that miRNAs play a key role in acquiring of drug-resistance in the progression of tumor. In this study, we induced and maintained four levels of cisplatin-resistant HeLa cell lines (HeLa/CR1, HeLa/CR2, HeLa/CR3, and HeLa/CR4). According to the previous studies and existing evidence, we selected five miRNAs (miR-183, miR-182, miR-30a, miR-15b, and miR-16) and their potential target mRNAs as our research targets. The real-time RT-PCR was adopted to detect the relative expression of miRNAs and their mRNAs. The results show that miR-182 and miR-15b were up-regulated in resistant cell lines, while miR-30a was significantly down-regulated. At the same time, their targets are related to drug resistance. Compared to their parent HeLa cell line, the expression of selected miRNAs in resistant cell lines altered. The alteration suggests that HeLa cell drug resistance is associated with distinct miRNAs, which indicates that miRNAs may be one of the therapy targets in the treatment of cervical cancer by sensitizing cell to chemotherapy. We suggested a possible network diagram based on the existing theory and the preliminary results of candidate miRNAs and their targets in HeLa cells during development of drug resistance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7439845
Pages (from-to)115-120
Number of pages6
JournalIEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2016


  • Chemotherapy
  • HeLa cell
  • cisplatin-resistance
  • miRNAs


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