The modelling of an SF6 arc in a supersonic nozzle: II. Current zero behaviour of the nozzle arc

Q. Zhang, J. Liu, J. D. Yan, M. T.C. Fang

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The present work (part II) forms the second part of an investigation into the behaviour of SF6 nozzle arc. It is concerned with the aerodynamic and electrical behaviour of a transient nozzle arc under a current ramp specified by a rate of current decay (di/dt) before current zero and a voltage ramp (dV/dt) after current zero. The five flow models used in part I [1] for cold gas flow and DC nozzle arcs have been applied to study the transient arc at three stagnation pressures (P 0) and two values of di/dt for the current ramp, representing a wide range of arcing conditions. An analysis of the physical mechanisms encompassed in each flow model is given with an emphasis on the adequacy of a particular model in describing the rapidly varying arc around current zero. The critical rate of rise of recovery voltage (RRRV) is found computationally and compared with test results of Benenson et al [2]. For transient nozzle arcs, the RRRV is proportional to the square of P 0, rather than to the square root of P 0 for DC nozzle arcs. The physical mechanisms responsible for the strong dependence of RRRV on P 0 have been investigated. The relative merits of the flow models employed are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number335501
JournalJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Issue number33
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • current zero behaviour
  • modelling
  • supersonic nozzle
  • transient arc characteristics

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