The Consequences of the Hegemony of the Leadership Styles and Employee Job Satisfaction among University Teachers in China

Research output: Chapter in Book or Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceedingpeer-review


The objective of this research is to quantitatively test
a correlation between a leader's chosen management style and
teachers’ job satisfaction. For this purpose random sampling method
was used. A conceptual frame work to examine possible relationships
between the perceived leadership practices of the Multifactor
Leadership Questionnaire and the Mohrman, Cooke, Mohrman Job
Satisfaction Scale in-order for finding perceived leadership
characteristics among Chinese University Teachers was proposed.
The relationship between the perceived leadership behaviors
(transformational, transactional) and job satisfaction of University
Teachers in China was also investigated. Furthermore Employee job
satisfaction adapted from JSS model was evaluated and measured in
terms of 9 sub-variables: pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits,
recognition, operating procedure, coworkers, nature of the work, and
communication. Further research and practice implemented are
discussed as well.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication International Conference on Education, Applied Sciences and Management (ICEASM'2012) December 26-27, 2012 Dubai (UAE)
Number of pages98
Publication statusPublished - 26 Dec 2012


  • job satisfaction
  • leadership style
  • China
  • transactional style
  • transformational style


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