
Embodied perception is essential for intelligent vehicles and robots, enabling more natural interaction and task execution. However, these advancements currently embrace vision level, rarely focusing on using 3D modeling sensors, which limits the full understanding of surrounding objects with multi-granular characteristics. Recently, as a promising automotive sensor with affordable cost, 4D Millimeter-Wave radar provides denser point clouds than conventional radar and perceives both semantic and physical characteristics of objects, thus enhancing the reliability of perception system. To foster the development of natural language-driven context understanding in radar scenes for 3D grounding, we construct the first dataset, Talk2Radar, which bridges these two modalities for 3D Referring Expression Comprehension. Talk2Radar contains 8,682 referring prompt samples with 20,558 referred objects. Moreover, we propose a novel model, T-RadarNet for 3D REC upon point clouds, achieving state-of-the-art performances on Talk2Radar dataset compared with counterparts, where Deformable-FPN and Gated Graph Fusion are meticulously designed for efficient point cloud feature modeling and cross-modal fusion between radar and text features, respectively. Further, comprehensive experiments are conducted to give a deep insight into radar-based 3D REC. We release our project at https://github.com/GuanRunwei/Talk2Radar.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
JournalarXiv preprint
Publication statusPublished - May 2024


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