Segmentation mask guided end-to-end person search

Dingyuan Zheng, Jimin Xiao*, Kaizhu Huang, Yao Zhao

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11 Citations (Scopus)


Person search aims to search for a target person among multiple images recorded by multiple surveillance cameras, which faces various challenges from both pedestrian detection and person re-identification. Besides the large intra-class variations owing to various illumination conditions, occlusions and varying poses, background clutters in the detected pedestrian bounding boxes further deteriorate the extracted features for each person, making them less discriminative. To tackle these problems, we develop a novel approach which guides the network with segmentation masks so that discriminative features can be learned invariant to the background clutters. We demonstrate that joint optimization of pedestrian detection, person re-identification and pedestrian segmentation enables to produce more discriminative features for pedestrian, and consequently leads to better person search performance. Extensive experiments on two widely used benchmark datasets prove the superiority of our approach. In particular, our proposed model achieves the state-of-the-art performance (86.3% mAP and 86.5% top-1 accuracy) on CUHK-SYSU dataset.

Original languageEnglish
Article number115876
JournalSignal Processing: Image Communication
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020


  • Background clutters
  • Pedestrian detection
  • Person search
  • Re-identification
  • Segmentation masks

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