Seats for Seeing (realised public artwork)

Yiping Dong*, Adam Brillhart, Claudia Westermann, Thomas Wortmann, Ominda Nanayakkara, Fanyun Chen (Other)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Practice-based research outputDigital, Visual or Audio-visual Creative WorkOriginal creative work: Visual art work


"Seats for Seeing" was installed in Beikeng village, Yanping district in Fujian province, China, at the end of November 2019. The work was part of the Yanping Art Harvest, running from 30 November 2019 to 29 February 2020. Since then the work exists as a public work of art.

The project reflects the local historical heritage, by adapting the region’s traditional window design into a larger-scale participatory environment that encourages social interaction and communication. Seats for Seeing thus function as a vast window whose ever-evolving pattern is created by the participants’ interactions and the swirling furniture overseeing the landscape of Beikeng village.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2019


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