Outlook on moving of computing services towards the data sources

Farzaneh Akhbar, Victor Chang, Yulin Yao, Víctor Méndez Muñoz*

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21 Citations (Scopus)


The internet of things (IoT) is potentially interconnecting unprecedented amounts of raw data, opening countless possibilities by two main logical layers: become data into information, then turn information into knowledge. The former is about filtering the significance in the appropriate format, while the latter provides emerging categories of the whole domain. This path of the data is a bottom-up flow. On the other hand, the path of the process is a top-down flow, starting at the strategic level of business and scientific institutions. Today, the path of the process treasures a sizeable amount of well-known methods, architectures and technologies: the so called Big Data. On the top, Big Data analytics aims variable association (e-commerce), data mining (predictive behaviour) or clustering (marketing segmentation). Digging the Big Data architecture there are a myriad of enabling technologies for data taking, storage and management. However the strategic aim is to enhance knowledge with the appropriate information, which does need of data, but not vice versa. In the way, the magnitude of upcoming data from the IoT will disrupt the data centres. To cope with the extreme scale is a matter of moving the computing services towards the data sources. This paper explores the possibilities of providing many of the IoT services which are currently hosted in monolithic cloud centres, moving these computing services into nano data centres (NaDa). Particularly, data-information processes, which usually are performing at sub-problem domains. NaDa distributes computing power over the already present machines of the IP provides, like gateways or wireless routers to overcome latency, storage cost and alleviate transmissions. Large scale questionnaires have been taken for 300 IT professionals to validate the points of view for IoT adoption. Considering IoT is by definition connected to the Internet, NaDa may be used to implement the logical low layer architecture of the services. Obviously, such distributed NaDa send results on a logical high layer in charge of the information-knowledge turn. This layer requires the whole picture of the domain to enable those processes of Big Data analytics on the top.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)645-652
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of Information Management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2016


  • Big Data
  • Cloud computing
  • Internet of things
  • Nano data centres


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