On the dispersions of the polynomial maps over finite fields

Uwe Schauz*

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We investigate the distributions of the different possible values of polynomial maps Fqn → Fq, x → P(x). In particular, we are interested in the distribution of their zeros, which are somehow dispersed over the whole domain Fqn. We show that if U is a "not too small" subspace of Fqn (as a vector space over the prime field Fp), then the derived maps F qn/U → Fq , x + U → ∑x̃∈x+UP(x∼) are constant and, in certain cases, not zero. Such observations lead to a refinement of Warning's classical result about the number of simultaneous zeros x ∈ Fqn of systems P1,..., Pm ∈ Fq[X1,..., Xn] of polynomials over finite fields Fq. The simultaneous zeros are distributed over all elements of certain partitions (factor spaces) Fqn/U of Fqn . |Fqn/U| is then Warning's well known lower bound for the number of these zeros.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-16
Number of pages16
JournalElectronic Journal of Combinatorics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2008
Externally publishedYes

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